Seminario Internazionale Moda e Turismo Nell`Instruzione Professionale Seminario Internazionale Moda e Turismo Nell`Instruzione Professionale Abril, 2010
CIVEC exists since 1981, created by a protocol that gathers IEFP (Employment and Professional Training Institute) and ANIVEC/APIV (one of the Portuguese Associations of Clothing Industrials). We are a non- profit, public law organism, with administrative and financial autonomy and assets. Situated in Lisbon, we also have delegations in other cities of the country, namely, Santarém, Covilhã and Castelo Branco. This situation grants us a regional dimension. Lisboa Santarém Covilhã Castelo Branco Profile Our main activity is Professional Training, answering to the requests and demands of the clothing and confection sector, in a perspective of qualification and perfecting of human resources. In order to give an adequate answer to these requests, our group of professional trainers and consultants are pedagogically and technically prepared, and we also maintain a credited textile Laboratory.
Areas of Activity - Fashion Design; - Pattern Making; - Computer Aided Pattern Making; - Cutting; -Sewing; -- Quality; -Administration and Management; - Trainers Training; - Information and Communication Technologies; - Foreign Languages.
Contextualization since 2007, in Portugal -higher rates of completion of secondary school education of young people and retrieve the skill levels of adults. - Designing a supply of relevant training and certification, originated a National Qualifications Catalogue (CNQ), organized in a modular logic, responding to initial and continuing training. - Expand and consolidate the device recognition, validation and certification of competences (RVCC) -higher rates of completion of secondary school education of young people and retrieve the skill levels of adults. - Designing a supply of relevant training and certification, originated a National Qualifications Catalogue (CNQ), organized in a modular logic, responding to initial and continuing training. - Expand and consolidate the device recognition, validation and certification of competences (RVCC)
Training Typologies Double Qualification Professional Training CNO New Opportunities Centre Recognition of formal and non-formal competencies Youth Initial training qualification, with professional and school certification Adults Professional training for unemployed, with professional and school certification CEF Education and Formation Classes Aprendizagem Apprenticeship EFA Adults Education and Formation FM Modular Training Certified
Double Qualification Professional Training Youth Aprendizagem Apprenticeship Oriented for young students (15 to 25 years) who wish to finish their secondary education and obtain a professional qualification Admission: 9 th grade completed Grants a school graduation of 12 th grade and a professional qualification (Level 3) 3 years duration It comprehends: school lessons, technological lessons, simulated practice lessons and on job training, in the end of each year of the course The objective is to train students able to have an immediate integration in the working world
Double Qualification Professional Training Youth CEF Education and Formation Classes Oriented for young students (15 to 25 years) in risk of leaving school, and without chances of finishing their education in the regular learning institutions Grants a school graduation of 6 th, 9 th or 12 th grade and a professional qualification Age: 15 to 25 years 1 – 2 years duration It comprehends: school lessons, technological lessons and on job training in the end of the course This kind of qualification represents a potential solution for students who don’t have an answer in regular education classes
Double Qualification Professional Training Adults EFA Adults Education and Formation Oriented for unemployed adults (over 18 years) who need to increase their school and professional qualifications Admission: 6 th or 9 th grade completed Grants a school graduation of 9 th or 12 th grade About 2 years duration It comprehends: school lessons, technological lessons, simulated practice lessons and on job training The innovation in this kind of training process is the use and valorization of competencies acquired along the life
Double Qualification Professional Training Adults FM Modular Training Certified Oriented for employed or unemployed, who wish to develop expertise in some areas of general or specific The Certified Modular Training is based on the training units of short duration, 25 or 50 hours, the National Catalogue of Qualifications (CNQ) listed and is intended to enhance the knowledge and skills of candidates Can be also used in recycling processes and retraining, providing thus acquiring the knowledge needed for integration into the labor market increasingly demanding and competitive.
CNO – New Opportunities Centre Objectives: - Ensure to all citizens over 18, a chance to qualificate and certificate, on a basic or secondary level, according to their profile and/or needs; - Promote the research of new learning, training and certification processes, oriented to students with low qualification levels (school and prrofessional); - Valorization of life long learning, insuring the recognition of formal and non-fomal competencies.
Seminario Internazionale Moda e Turismo Nell`Instruzione Professionale Seminario Internazionale Moda e Turismo Nell`Instruzione Professionale Abril, 2010 Sónia Pinto Isabel Marcos Thank You