Governance Innovation for Security and Development: Concept of Operations SGT Charles N. Palmares Civil Affairs Training Sergeant, 1005 th CAPO Training Company Project Coordinator, Stanford Peace Innovation Lab
Content Goal Purpose Objectives Organization Timeline, Deliverables, Responsibilities (TBD)
Goal Support of professionalization of Civil Affairs practitioners Enable US Army SOF to more effectively operate in the civil dimension of military operations across the spectrum of conflict
Narrow the gap in understanding military support to governance Bridge knowledge between the military and civilian components of the international development community Further understanding of approaching security and development simultaneously through supporting governance Fulfill obligations to US foreign policy and US Army Civil Affairs doctrine
Multi-stakeholder dialogue and analysis of: military support to governance human behavior dynamics in conflict mitigation and prevention technological enablers for stability and peace building planning and integration into military operations
Governance Panels Provision of Essential Services Political Moderation and Accountability Stewardship of State Resources Civic Participation and Empowerment (Rotate Every Month) Working Group: Security and Development Sub-Groups: Provision of Essential and Humanitarian Services Civil Security Governance Economy and Infrastructure Rule of Law Homeland Security Working Group: Human Behavior Dynamics Working Group: Technological Enablers Working Group: Planning and Integration Sub-Groups: Civil Information Management Governance Modelling (To Be Determined) Sub-Groups: Strategic Communication Persuasive Technologies (To Be Determined) Sub-Groups: Civil Affairs US State Department Non-Governmental Organizations (To Be Determined) Panels Based on USIP Tenets for Stable Governance
Timeline, Deliverables, Responsibilities
Timeline, Deliverables, and Responsibilities Timeline: To Be Determined Deliverables: To Be Determined Responsibilities: To Be Determined
Content Goal Purpose Objectives Organization Timeline, Deliverables, and Responsibilities (TBD)
Governance Innovation for Security and Development: Concept of Operations SGT Charles N. Palmares Civil Affairs Training Sergeant, 1005 th CAPO Training Company Project Coordinator, Stanford Peace Innovation Lab