History of the Modern World Failure of Diplomacy: From Appeasement to War Mrs. McArthur Walsingham Academy Room 111 Mrs. McArthur Walsingham Academy Room 111
Mission to Moscow American Propaganda The OWI* report on Mission to Moscow concluded that it would be a most convincing means of helping Americans to understand their Russian allies. Every effort has been made to show that Russians and Americans are not so very different after all. The Russians are shown to eat well and live comfortably, which will be a surprise to many Americans. [6] The leaders of both countries desire peace and both possess a blunt honesty of address and purpose... One of the best services performed by this picture is the presentation of Russian leaders, not as wild-eyed madmen, but as far-seeing, earnest, responsible statesmen. They have proved very good neighbors, and this picture will help to explain why, as well as to encourage faith in the feasibility of post-war cooperation. [7] [6] [7] *Office of War Information
Meanwhile: The Abdication Crisis 1936
1 of 7 World War II and Its Aftermath Section 1: From Appeasement to War, pp Witness History Audio: The Desperate Peace Note Taking Transparency 171A Aggression Goes Unchecked When the aggressive actions of dictators in Japan, Germany, and Italy went virtually unchallenged, these regimes grew bolder. The Western policy of appeasement and widespread pacifism fed the ambitions of the three countries, which formed a pact not to interfere in each other’s expansion. 1.What is the main idea of Chamberlain’s speech? 2.How long do you think such a peace will last?
German Aggression Continues Hitler annexed Austria and Czechoslovakia’s Sudetenland in his quest to bring all German- speaking people in to the Third Reich. Britain and France were not willing to go to war over either move. Section 1: From Appeasement to War Note Taking Transparency 171B Spain Collapses into Civil War When conservatives led by Francisco Franco revolted against the new reformist government in Spain, a civil war broke out that drew help from Germany, Italy, and the Soviet Union. Franco’s rebels won, and he set up a fascist dictatorship. Guernica, Pablo Picasso
Section 1: From Appeasement to War Color Transparency 174: Wonder How Long the Honeymoon Will Last? Europe Plunges Toward War When Germany seized the rest of Czechoslovakia, Britain and France decided they would move to stop Hitler if he attacked Poland. Soviet leader Joseph Stalin made a pact with Hitler that they would not interfere with each other in annexing parts of Eastern Europe. Two days after German forces invaded Poland, on September 3, 1939, World War II began. Geography Interactive: Aggression in Europe and Africa to September, 1939 Progress Monitoring Transparency
Note Taking Transparency 171A 4 of 7 Anschluss, 1938 Sudetenland, 1938 (Occupation of the Rhineland, 1936)
Note Taking Transparency 171B 5 of 7 Austria becomes German state, “Ostmark.” Over the protests of Czechs, Western democracies transfer Sudetenland to Germany. Western democracies realize what they are facing. France and Britain begin emergency rearmament drives. Britain guarantees Polish, Greek, Romanian security. A week before Germany and USSR sign a nonaggression pact.
Pablo Picasso’s Guernica, 1937
Color Transparency 174: Wonder How Long the Honeymoon Will Last?
World War II and Its Aftermath: Section 1 Progress Monitoring Transparency 7 of 7
Failure of Diplomacy Plot the points mentioned in your lecture. Include: Libya (1935) Rhineland (1936) Anschluss (1938) Sudetenland (1938) Spain ( ) Shade and ID regions affected by the policy of appeasement.
The Axis Advances Nazi Germany invaded Poland from one side, while the Soviets came from the other. France and Britain had no time to help. Then Germany attacked France from the north, and Italy invaded from the south. When France fell, only Britain stood against the Axis powers. A Nazi bombing campaign against London and other cities only strengthened British resolve. Meanwhile, Axis armies also pushed into North Africa and the Balkans. World War II and Its Aftermath Section 2: The Axis Advances, pp Witness History Audio: Janina’s War Story 1.How does Janina describe the German attack on Poland?How does Janina describe the German attack on Poland? 2.How do you predict airplanes might be used in WWII?How do you predict airplanes might be used in WWII? The Blitz in Color Witness History Audio: Winston Churchill Witness History Audio: Surviving the Blitz
Germany Invades the Soviet Union Hitler invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941 in the hopes of gaining its natural resources and putting down communism. Hitler’s advance was stalled by the brutal Russian winter, but Russians in Leningrad suffered a two-and-a-half-year siege that caused mass starvation. Section 2: The Axis Advances Note Taking Transparency 172B Life Under Japanese and Nazi Occupation The people who lived in lands occupied by the Nazis and the Japanese were often offered brutal treatment. Hitler’s forces sent Polish and Soviet Slavs to work as slave laborers and the Jewish people got the same and worse in Nazi “death camps.” The Japanese killed and tortured Asians whom they claimed to help free from Western colonial rule. The “Road of Life”: Siege of Leningrad Check out Billy Joel’s Leningrad
Japan Attacks the United States When the U.S. banned the sale of war materials to Japan after its invasion of French Indochina, Japan and the U.S. participated in fruitless talks. Japanese General Tojo ordered an attack on the American fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. This led to a declaration of war by the U.S. Section 2: The Axis Advances Color Transparency 175: Pearl Harbor Progress Monitoring Transparency
Note Taking Transparency 172A
Color Transparency 175: Pearl Harbor
Note Taking Transparency 172B
Progress Monitoring Transparency (1 of 2) 7 of 8
Progress Monitoring Transparency (2 of 2)
In-Class Activity Summarize and Analyze Section 2 1.The Axis Attacks 2.The Blitz 3.Germany Invades the Soviet Union 4.The Holocaust 5.Life Under Nazi/Japanese Occupation 6.Japan Attacks US 7.Role of US before and after joining Allies
Assignment 1 1.Read text, pp , identifying 8 new terms and answering 4 Checkpoint questions. 2.Take Section Auto-test Last SCA: The Appeal of June 18, due by 3/28
Assignment 2 1.Answer captions on pp. 925 and 929 questions. Study PP slides. 2.Complete Map Skills Activity, pp.928 answering questions. 3.Complete Note Taking Activity: Sequence of German Aggression, pp. 927
Assignment 3 1.Read text, pp , identifying 5 new terms and answering 2 Checkpoint questions. 2.2 Infographics: Surviving the Blitz and The Holocaust, answering Thinking Critically questions. Last SCA: The Appeal of June 18, due by 3/28
Assignment 4 1.Read text, pp identifying 3 key terms and answering 2 Checkpoint questions. 2.Answer caption question, pp Study section 2 PP slides and take Auto- Test
Assignment 5 1.Read text, pp , identifying 4 new terms and answering 2 Checkpoint questions. 2.Complete Map Skills, pp. 943 Last SCA: The Appeal of June 18, due by 3/28