Welcome PDBA Breakfast Meeting November 10, 2015
Congratulations PDBA Business Award Winners!
Thank you Nossa Familia Coffee
Welcome New PDBA Board Member Kim Knowlton Umpqua Bank
Take a Tour of Centrl Office
Welcome to our new members! Zoom+Performance 945 NW Lovejoy Street
Union Bank
Coaching by Hand
Cider Bite NW Hoyt Street
Affiliate Membership Program Pearl District Business Association (PDBA) members who meet the following requirements are able to join the Portland Business Alliance for $100 (a savings of $650). Members must: – Be a PDBA member in good standing – Employ five or fewer employees – Have never been a member of the Portland Business Alliance Interested? Join online at
Get FREE STREET TREES in the Pearl District! If you are interested in trees at your property call the Tree Program: or doregon.gov. doregon.gov
Streetcar Bistro & Taproom
Pearl District Survey Bruce Stephenson of Rollins College Fill out the survey online or by picking one up at your table
Community Caroling Rehearsals November 15 th November 22 nd 5:00pm – 6:30pm Daily in the Pearl
Tree Lighting at Jamison Square Madeline if you would like to donate a raffle prize!
PDBA Networking Event Thursday, December 10 th from 5-7:30pm Location: TBA
Guest Speaker Sarah Harpole Senior Project Manager Portland Development Commission Broadway Corridor Framework Plan The Framework Plan describes the strategic vision for the broader 24-acre Broadway Corridor study area surrounding Union Station, and the City’s preferred preliminary development concept for the 14-acre USPS site.
Raffle Prize
Thanks to our generous sponsors