Defining the needs – searching for partners “tools for developing cooperation” Brussels, June EU Fair LEADER+ Dr Peter Laan Program manager LEADER+ East- Netherlands Contact person Transnational Cooperation, National Network Unit, the Netherlands
Cooperation as integral and fundamental part of LEADER+ Problem analysis: Sequential steps to develop ‘cooperative attitude’ Towards a “cooperation methodology” Partner search process Cooperation themes
A helping hand in developing cooperative actions 1.Transnational cooperation needs the addition of the European dimension: “the push and pull approach” 2.Partner search and ‘cooperation agents’ 3.Pilot project “transnational cooperation support programme” Ireland – UK – the Netherlands
The “push and pull approach” 1.Combining “European themes” with the local needs 2.Strengthening European rural cultural awareness 3.Connecting European rural cultural identity with regional and local identity 4.The “Culinarium Europa” initiative as an example of a ‘template-guided’ initiative
Cooperation agents as ‘flag-bearers’ of transnational coopertion and European identity
-Touristic potential -A “guidance product” i.e. culinary interesting products -Authenticity -A network of relevant professional parties -A coordinator Pilot project TNC Ireland- UK –NL
-Popping in is easy for those regions that fulfil the boundary conditions -Natural exchange of ‘best practices’ -Natural use of potentials in LEADER+ regions -International echo of regional characteristics: -Towards European identity, showing the colourful palette of culinary regions and the richness of the different cultures Advantages of the ‘template-guided’ approach