Mapping European Conquest of the Americas
The Geo-Political World Today About 200 Nations with About 7 Billion People
Habitable Land on Planet Earth
Populating the Earth
Earliest Civilizations in 5000 BP 3000 BCE
Larger Civilizations in 1500
Ancient “Silk Road”
Age of Exploration 1400s-1600s A desire a sea route to Asia to make more profit from trading A surge in intellectual curiosity Improvements in cartography Improvements in navigational tools Improvements in ships and sails
Larger Civilizations in 1500
Cortez 1519
Larger Civilizations in 1500
South American Native Cultures Prior to European Conquest
North American Native Cultures Prior to European Conquest
Tenochtitlan Model Tenochtitlan Model Aztec Capital
Temple at Tenochtitlan
Cultural Sophistication Aztec Calendar Aztec Writing
Europeans Arrive in the Americas 1492
European Conquest of the Americas around 1776
How did Europeans Think About “ La Conquista” Mural Conquest? By Diego Rivera
Let’s analyze some historical primary source documents Bull Romanus Pontifex (1455) Bull Romanus Pontifex Bull Inter Caetera (1493) Bull Inter Caetera Requerimiento (1513) Requerimiento The Doctrine Of Discovery Modern Application at UN (2012)
Bull Inter Caetera Pope, Spain, and Portugal Divide Latin America
Assignment on 9-02