Dell Confidential EMF Press Review Process Project Plan 11 January 2000
Dell Confidential EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Project Definition –Improve European reviews process in order to generate greater media coverage and increase leads Key Customers— Customers for this plan?? Not sure what this section is for??????? –Jerele Neeld, EMEA Communcations; Per Lund, Inspiron Marketing; Mike Watson, Dimension Marketing; Marisa Manheimer, Transactional product group Problem statement –Lack of a clearly defined WW product reviews process and dedicated resources to support such a process has resulted in resulting in inefficiencies and missed or poor reviews (Front end) –EMEA Rap lab missteps in recent launch coverage on Dimension & Inspiron due to lack of resources, skillset deficiencies and process issues (Back end) Project Plan –Contain and fix current backend issues for Transactional productsFeb 28 Owner: Fiona McCallig EMEA project Manager & Marisa Manheimer WW project Manager –Secure funding for RAP & EMEA PR heacount and RAP Lab relo/expansion Mar 01 Owner: Jerele Neelde EMEA Communications Director, Gene Leonard EMF Engineering Director –Improve products reviews process for Transactional productsApril 30 Owner: Fiona, Marisa, and Sarah Lavender Interim EMEA Transactional Reviews –Expand to all LOB’s / BU’sMay - June
Dell Confidential THE TEAMS Core Team Responsible for defining and driving Enhancements to the Reviews Process. Steering Committee Gene Leonard, Engineering Director, EMF Denis Lucey, PDG, Personal systems Director, EMF Jerele Neeld, EMEA Communications Director Per Lund, Transactional Product Group, Inspiron International Business Development Bob Ashenbrenner, Transactional Product Group, Americas RAP Lab Eval Team Dedicated to honing press configs/pricing, setting priorities between BUs, conducting reviews post- mortems Fiona McCallig EMEA RAP Lab Project Lead Sarah Lavender Interim EMEA Transactional Reviews Manager (Represents COC/PR; 2/00-4/00) Fiona McCallig EMEA RAP Lab Project Lead Product Group Marketing Manager COC Product Managers BU Marketing And/or PR Manager Sarah Lavender Interim EMEA Transactional Reviews Mgr Marisa Manheimer WW Project Manager
Dell Confidential PHASE 1 – CONTAIN AND FIX PHASE 1 Contain and fix current issues (backend) –Establish processes to contain current reported customer issues –Set expectations with BU’s and CoC’s on systems delivery ACTIONS – CORE TEAM Kick off meeting Core TeamJan 15 Fiona and Marisa to set up and co-ordinate frequency Create quality checklist for evals shipping from RAP LABFionaJan 12 Send to Customers for Feedback and executeFiona/Review MgrJan 19 Create and publish escalation process for CustomersFiona/Review MgrJan 19 Specialise resources by productFionaJan 19 Train and mentor using AMF expertiseMarisaJan 26 EMF RAP Lab capacity analysis – by product by weekFionaJan 19 Forecasted Workload analysis – by month per launch..this is done, right?Marisa Jan 26 Establish Metrics for quality, cost and productivityFiona/MarisaJan 31 Publish systems coverage capacityReview Mgr Jan 31 Notes and Assumptions A resource from AMF RAP will be in EMF for January to train and mentor personnel Action: Marisa/Per LundDue:Jan 19 A EMEA Reviews manager will be appointed for EMEA Action: Jerele NeeldDue:Jan 19 Status:closed
Dell Confidential PHASE 1 Contain current issues / Set expectations ACTIONS – CORE TEAM Map current Process & identify weaknessesCore TeamJan 26 Meet Eval Team Members in BUsCore TeamFeb 5 ACTIONS – EVAL TEAM Kick off meeting – establish frequencySarahFeb 12 Determine Priorities/Top 10 Target Lists by BUSarahFeb 12 Determine hot BU issues with RAP Lab/ProcessSarah/FionaFeb 19 Implement containment fixesCore TeamFeb 28 ACTIONS – STEERING TEAM Kick off bi-weekly newsletterMarisa/FionaJan 19 Agree project planGene/Per/Denis/JereleJan 31 Kick off monthly conference callCore TeamJan 31 RED/YELLOW FLAGS –Reviews Manager required on Core Team to ensure communciation flows through CoC’s and BU’s Action: Jerele NeeleDue:Jan 31 –Eval team members must be sourced, named and sponsored by their Management Action: Marisa/Per Lund/Jerele NeeldDue: Jan 26 –Forecasted workload may reveal capacity issues in Americas & EMF RAP LAB Action: Marisa/Fiona to publish capacity to steering teamDue: Jan 19 PHASE 1 – CONTAIN AND FIX
Dell Confidential PHASE 2 - IMPROVE PHASE 2 Improve product reviews process for Transactional Products –Core Team & Eval Team process review & enhancement –Secure funding where necessary ACTIONS – CORE TEAM Establish customer prioritiesSarah/FionaFeb 15 Determine if current database tools can be rolled out to BusAllFeb 15 Synch BU priorities (Top 10 list/editorial calendars) to product launchesAllFeb 21 Map new Transactional processAllFeb 21 Create and publish plan and costing for approval to steering teamAllFeb 28 (tools, infrastructure, facilities/people, communication) Implement and measureCore team April 30 Note: all plans should include costing for expansion ACTIONS – EVAL TEAM Create and publish plan and costing for approval to steering team MarisaFeb 21 Implement and measureEval TeamMar 31 Note: all plans should include costing for expansion ACTIONS – STEERING TEAM Review Process Improvement PlansSteering teamMar 01 Secure Funding necessary for permanent PR headcountJerele NeeldMar 15 Secure Funding necessary for additional RAP lab headcount & reloGene LeonardMar 15 Secure Funding for enhancements to database toolsBob/PerFeb 1
Dell Confidential PHASE 3 - EXPAND PHASE 3 –Expansion plan - Publish and seek approval –Extend to additional BU’s & LOB’s ACTIONS – CORE TEAM Publish expansion plan to steering committee for approvalJerele/Sarah/FionaApril 20 Execute and MeasureJune 30 Project sign-off by Steering teamJuly 10