Physical Properties Diameter: 3122 km Density: 3.01 km Distance from Jupiter: 671,000 km Average Surface Temperature: 50K-125K
Composition Of Europa Europa is composed of a water ice lithosphere, possibly a liquid water ocean, a silicate rock mantle, and an iron-nickel core. Europa’s density is 3.01 g/cm3 This indicates it has a very small iron core Large silicate mantle Water ice/liquid lithosphere Earth’s density is 5.515g/cm3 Best estimates suggest there are 3x1019 m3 of liquid water beneath Europa’s surface. Slightly more than 2 times the volume of Earth’s oceans What observations support these conclusion? Europa is covered in ice Its covered in a lot of ice You can’t see any silicate rocks or metallic deposits on the surface
Processes of Europa Impact Cratering PIA01661: Large Impact Structures on Europa Scale: This is referring to the multi-ring crater. I think this impact is named Tyre. While the effective crater, which is somewhat larger than the prominent large bull's eye feature, is about 40 kilometers (25 miles) across, the entire structure is much larger. The concentric rings display relatively little relief. Date taken: March 29, 1998
Processes of Europa Volcanism PIA00459: Europa During Voyager 2 Closest Approach Date taken: July
Processes of Europa Tectonism PIA00588: Europa Ridges, Hills and Domes Scale: 140 kilometers by 130 kilometers (87 miles by 81 miles) Date taken: February 20, 1997 by Galileo Orbiter
Age of the Surface of Europa Young Surface Few Craters Picture shows ice rafting taken in on 2/4/1998 by the Galileo spacecraft the picture has a scale of 70 X 30 kilometers
Uniqueness of Europa Tidal heating Water Few Craters
JEO JEO( jupiter europa orbital mission) $2.7 billion Launch 2020, arrive in Jupiter area 2025, next year study Europa To learn about: Chemistry of Europa’s atmosphere and surface Geological processes in action there Its ocean/ice (how thick) Habitability of Europa To prepare for future missions (landing sites, equipment, etc.)