SESSION ONE: FRANCIS CHAN Francis talked about how living out the theme of a trader is tough. What is compelling about using the language of “being a trader”? What language does our ministry use that might be similar? How can we convey this message in a very compelling way to those we lead?
SESSION ONE: FRANCIS CHAN Are there ways we are (or should be) leading by example?
SESSION ONE: FRANCIS CHAN Are we designing the programs in our church to make people happy or are we designing programs to carry out the mission of our church?
SESSION ONE: FRANCIS CHAN Is there anything we are doing in our ministry that leads people to be comfortable and consumer-minded?
SESSION ONE: FRANCIS CHAN What can we create or provide that is both inspirational and practical ways to help people live out the mission of our church?
SESSION ONE: FRANCIS CHAN Francis shared the story about a guy in his church who accused Francis of neglecting the whole “middle road” - those believers who follow some of the Bible but don’t want to be radical. Could you relate? How do we address the “middle road” believers? How are we encouraging people to live beyond their own comfort?
SESSION ONE: FRANCIS CHAN Francis said, “It’s not that the word of God isn’t working, it’s that we’re not really following it.” How can we help people move from knowing Scripture to obeying it?
SESSION ONE: FRANCIS CHAN Francis shares the story about being tired of the fighting, resistance, and anger in the church and wanting to quit ministry all together. Have you been there as a leader? What keeps you going during times when you feel like quitting?
SESSION ONE: FRANCIS CHAN What is the reason we stay in ministry? Why can’t we give up? What are we “fighting for”?
SESSION ONE: FRANCIS CHAN Francis talked about how we have certain expectations for success, popularity, comfort, salary, benefits. He reminded us from 1 Peter 4:12 that we should expect suffering and should be more concerned when we are not suffering. What process is God taking you through in chaos and suffering? What process is God taking our ministry through in chaos and suffering?
SESSION ONE: FRANCIS CHAN Francis shared the story of the Korean missionaries in Afghanistan who, at times, wished they were back in captivity. Francis said, “They experienced this fellowship that they couldn’t get in comfort.” How can we lead people to accept suffering so they can experience a closeness to Jesus? What are some specific steps we can take to lead people towards a lifestyle that embraces suffering?
SESSION ONE: FRANCIS CHAN How does Francis’ message line up with our mission, vision and values as a church?
SESSION ONE: FRANCIS CHAN Did Francis say anything that goes against our current strategies as a church? Did he say anything that would cause us to refocus or rethink some of our strategies?