ANNUAL GIVING Every Rotarian Every Year Campaign to Support the Annual Fund Steven Solomon, Annual Giving Officer for Zones 25 & 26 December 2013
TITLE | 2 ANNUAL FUND Define Share Areas of Focus Ways to Give Online Rotary Direct Contribution Forms Recognition Individual Club Goal Setting Rotary Club Central Reports EREY Eligibility Report Club Recognition Summary Club Fundraising Analysis Monthly Contribution Report Best Practices EREY Successes
TITLE | 3 ANNUAL FUND-SHARE The primary source of funding for Foundation grants is Annual Fund-Share. Designated contributions through the Every Rotarian, Every Year campaign remain crucial and therefore are strongly encouraged. Contributions Credited towards annual giving goal and per capita calculation Eligible for all Annual Fund recognition opportunities including EREY, Rotary Foundation Sustaining Member, Paul Harris Fellow, Paul Harris Society, Major Donor, and Arch C. Klumph Society Generates District Designated Funds (DDF)
TITLE | 4 HYPERLINKED RESOURCES (page 15 in the Resource Guide)
TITLE | 6 ANNUAL FUND BANNER RECOGNITION STATUS REPORT % EREY Percentage of Rotarians who give something to the Annual Fund % Sustaining Member Percentage of Rotarians who give at least US$100 to the Annual Fund
TITLE | 8 ANNUAL FUND-AREAS OF FOCUS Giving opportunities to reinforce the Foundation’s strategic priorities to be primarily used for non-contributing Rotarians, Alumni, Rotary Action Groups, Interactors, Rotaractors, corporations, foundations and the general public. Contributions Credited towards a club’s annual giving goal and per capita calculation Eligible for all Annual Fund recognition opportunities including EREY, Rotary Foundation Sustaining Member, Paul Harris Fellow, Paul Harris Society, Major Donor, and Arch C. Klumph Society Does not generate District Designated Funds (DDF) since they are not included in the district SHARE calculation
TITLE | 9 CONTRIBUTION DETAIL FOR 5 YEARS (shows Annual Fund-Areas of Focus giving)
TITLE | 10 ROTARY DIRECT Save Time Money Lives Ways to Sign Up Online Fax Form to Call Contact Center at Track Participants Club Recognition Summary More Information Page 5 in the Resource Guide Rotary’s recurring giving program
TITLE | 12 CLUB LEVEL President Secretary Treasurer Foundation Chair Membership Chair Executive Secretary DISTRICT LEVEL District Governor *Assistant Governors Committee Chairs Executive Secretary Who can enter goals?
TITLE | 13 John Q. Rotarian District: 0000 | Club: Your Club
TITLE | 16 CLUB RECOGNITION SUMMARY (page 11 in the Resource Guide) Rotary Direct Participating in Rotary’s recurring giving program
TITLE | 17 EREY Eligibility Report (page 12) Provides recognition eligibility (ie: date achieved for current & prior Rotary year) Every Rotarian Every Year Contribute any amount to the Annual Fund Sustaining Member Contribute at least US $100 to the Annual Fund Paul Harris Society Contribute at least US $1,000 to Annual Fund, PolioPlus Fund or global grant
TITLE | 18 CLUB FUNDRAISING ANALYSIS 5 Rotary year dashboard of Annual Fund goals, giving and recognition totals Use to set goals which are submitted through Rotary Club Central
TITLE | 19 MONTHLY CONTRIBUTION REPORT (page 13) Provides contribution information for Annual Fund, Other Fund (PolioPlus Fund & global grants) and Endowment Fund Membership is populated in November with data from the July semiannual report submitted through Rotary Club Central Use to identify non-contributing clubs
TITLE | 20 FOUNDATION RECOGNITION POINTS (page 10 in the Resource Guide) Define Transfer Rules Reports
TITLE | 21 CLUB RECOGNITION SUMMARY (page 11 in the Resource Guide) Recognition amount Combination of cash contributions and Foundation recognition points received (points do not count towards Major Donor recognition) Maximum amount that can be shown on the report is 9,000 (PHF +8) Foundation recognition points Can be transferred to other individuals to help them achieve PHF recognition Points accumulate 1:1 for every dollar contributed to Annual Fund, PolioPlus Fund or global grant Rotary Direct Participating in Rotary’s recurring giving program
TITLE | 22 INDIVIDUAL DONOR RECOGNITION (pages 7-8 in the Resource Guide) Rotary Foundation Sustaining Member Paul Harris Fellow Certificate of Appreciation Multiple Paul Harris Fellow Paul Harris Society Major Donor Arch C. Klumph Society
TITLE | 23 ANNUAL FUND (page 9 in the Resource Guide) Club Recognition Opportunities Every Rotarian Every Year Every member contributes to the Annual Fund & achieve a minimum US $100 per capita 100% Rotary Foundation Sustaining Member Every member contributes at least US $100 to the Annual Fund Top Three Per Capita in Annual Fund Giving Given to top three Annual Giving per capita clubs in the district Clubs must achieve a minimum US $50 per capita 100% Paul Harris Fellow Club Every member is a Paul Harris Fellow Awarded one time but the intent is that the club will maintain this status in future years
TITLE | 24 CLUB BANNER RECOGNITION (page 9 in the Resource Guide) EREY Club 100% Paul Harris Fellow 100% Sustaining Member Top Three Per Capita in Annual Giving
TITLE | 25 ACHIEVING EREY SUCCESS (pages 2-3 in the Resource Guide) Every Rotarian Every Year Successes Before encouraging other to give, you should be a donor first People give because they are asked to give Thank and recognize donors so they know they are appreciated Share Foundation message with every club Share the Foundation’s charity ratings Give generously to create a better world Club recognition can motivate giving Tell the story of Rotary People give to people
TITLE | 26 BEST PRACTICES (from Rotarian Richard Zegar) 1.Provide platform for beneficiaries, project participants and donors to share their Foundation story. 2.Have a Foundation minute at each club meeting from a different Rotarian 3.Provide Foundation project updates at every meeting 4.Challenge club board members to give publically at the first meeting in July 5.Have on-on-one meetings over complimentary meal to introduce them to the culture of supporting the Foundation and initiate first gift. 6.Encourage members to review their donor history report 7.Provide thank you incentives for contributions 8.Use Foundation recognition points to stimulate giving 9.Select committee that serves for 4+ years which contributes to consistency and creates an “atmosphere for giving” 10.Use Rotarians vocations and special skills
TITLE | 27 BEST PRACTICES (DISTRICT) Large Club Assign District Governor Nominee as Assistant Governor District & big club leadership meet monthly & attend big club meeting together Involve club in (1) club foundation (2) The Rotary Foundation (3) international project Provide program on club foundation and The Rotary Foundation to explain difference Recognition Plan The DG, DGE & DGN all support the plan: Ask PHS members at reception to bring 2 PHS prospects to the recognition event Assign the District Governor Nominee Designate as the Annual Fund Subcommittee Chair since money raised today will be spent during their year as District Governor Year 1 (DG)Year 2 (DGE)Year 3 (DGN) Goal100% EREY100% Sustaining Member100% PHF
TITLE | 28 CONTACT CENTER Answer Rotary Questions My Rotary Donations, refunds, corrections Paul Harris Fellow issues Foundation recognition points Recognition items Enroll in Rotary Direct Join the Paul Harris Society Provides Reports Donor History Report Club Fundraising Analysis Club Recognition Summary EREY Eligibility Report Paul Harris Fellow Report Monthly Contribution Report PolioPlus Contribution Report Banner Recognition Report Paul Harris Society Report District Fundraising Profile How to get help Call
TITLE | 29 ANNUAL FUND (group question) How can you use inspirational messaging with your ask?
TITLE | 30 ANNUAL FUND (group question) What resources do you use to share the Foundation’s impact
TITLE | 31 ANNUAL FUND (group question) What is your Foundation story?