BFC Information and Communication Tools 2003 Paris Clearing House Workshop
Objective to facilitate communication and information flows, the sharing of technical and administrative resources between Headquarters and Field Offices, institutes and centres…..
Actions Information sharing platforms to improve information flow Field Offices sensitisation of the role and importance of Communication in the programming cycle (workshops etc.) Improved harmonization between Field Office Information and Communication Strategies Inventories of focal points in the UNESCO Field Office Network
Information sharing platforms to improve information flow BFC Intranet This Intranet website is an internal working space with pertinent information on programmes, activities and initiatives with links to field office websites. UNESCO WORLDWIDE This Internet website is a space to present UNESCO's field network and the colleagues working in the field.
BFC Intranet BFC Intranet Monitor Field Security Status Human Resource Mapping Cluster Management Consultations AO Forum
UNESCO WORLDWIDE Basic information on Offices Field Office Contact information Events organized by/in collaboration with Field Offices Country specific information Regional information
Inventories of focal points in the UNESCO Field Office Network Listserves/mailing lists Directories
Listserves/mailing lists Regional listserves Liste.headsfieldoffices Liste.HIV-AIDSFocalPoints Infocentres
Directories Heads of Offices Administrative Officers List all offices Webmasters