LLNL-PRES-679957 This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract DE-AC52-07NA27344.


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Presentation transcript:

LLNL-PRES This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract DE-AC52-07NA Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC Web Services Processing, Application Programming Interface Charles Doutriaux Sasha Ames Tom Maxwell Dan Duffy Dean Williams December 9 th, 2015

LLNL-PRES Overview  As computer power goes up, so does data Volume  Scientists generating and analyzing these data are many and dispersed  BUT the scientific need is greater than ever  ESGF solved the first part of the equation: universal, distributed access  Bringing all needed data to your computer or even to your facility is no longer feasible  Now we need to solve the analysis part.

LLNL-PRES  The ESGF-CWT is putting together an infrastructure for WPS  This talk is about the API part  API is two fold: — Developers: Common ground for creating new tools — Users: Standard way to querying/using resources  Goal: Ease things as much as possible for user, i.e. — What services are here? — Can I get their doc? — Let’s use it  As much decision as possible made for the user (but we still let these to be known to and forced by the user) 3 ESGF-CWT Solution

LLNL-PRES Basic Architecture Server Side Services Client Side ESGF API

LLNL-PRES  Documented at: climate.atlassian.net/wiki/display/ESGF/API+Standards+and+Re quirementshttps://acme- climate.atlassian.net/wiki/display/ESGF/API+Standards+and+Re quirements  First pass, will likely be tweaked/enhanced as more developers and users get involved  Focusing on JSON input data.  First problems we’re trying to solve: — Model Average — Model Ensemble — Multi-models Ensemble  Cater very basic needs so far, needs to grow as more features are required. Hint: That’s YOU here. 5 API?

LLNL-PRES API (excerpts) request=Execute&identifier=averager &datainputs=[domain={'id':'glbl','longitude’:{'start':% ,%20'end':% },'time’:{'start’:'1980’,'end’:'1982'}}; variable={'uri':'file://opt/nfs/cwt/uvcdat/latest/share/uvcdat/sample_data/tas_dnm-95a.xml','id':'tas','domain':'glbl'}]

LLNL-PRES   VERY BASIC Demo serve — Django-based — Uses UV-CDAT for computation  Will probably grow into a real full blown pretty server  Code is at: please fork and issue as many PR as possible and/or use issue tracker to give us feedbacks.  Also take a look at what others presenting here have already done. Let’s try to leverage from each other. 7 Where do I start?

LLNL-PRES Example? (stick this in “process” directory of server) class Process(esgfcwtProcess): def __init__(self): """Process initialization""" WPSProcess.__init__(self, identifier=os.path.split(__file__)[-1].split('.')[0], title='averager', version=0.1, abstract='Average a variable over a (many) dimension', storeSupported='true', statusSupported='true') self.domain = self.addComplexInput(identifier='domain', title='domain over which to average', formats=[{'mimeType': 'text/json', 'encoding': 'utf-8', 'schema': None}]) self.dataIn = self.addComplexInput(identifier='variable', title='variable to average', formats=[{'mimeType': 'text/json'}], minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=1) self.download = self.addLiteralInput(identifier='download', type=bool, title='download output', default=False) self.average = self.addComplexOutput(identifier='average', title='averaged variable', formats=[{'mimeType': 'text/json'}]) def execute(self): dataIn=self.loadData()[0] data,cdms2keyargs = self.loadVariable(dataIn) dims = "".join(["(%s)" % x for x in cdms2keyargs.keys()]) data = cdutil.averager(data,axis=dims) data.id=self.getVariableName(dataIn) self.saveVariable(data,self.average,"json") return

LLNL-PRES  No. The API is designed to be backend agnostic  But: — ESGF-CWT will use UV-CDAT where appropriate — UV-CDAT will be officially supported and will be part of the “compute node stack” — No, your preferred application is not guaranteed to be fully supported and/or part of the esgf stack  Yes the API team will listen to you even if you do not use UV- CDAT  But really… You “should” be using it ;) It’s so much simpler and it makes sense to have everybody using the same tools 9 Do I have to use UV-CDAT?

LLNL-PRES  Tom Maxwell -> NASA  Maarten Plieger -> sort of  ACME 10 Anybody is using this?

LLNL-PRES  LOTS!  Tighter integration with ESGF — result search as URI? — esgf:// new uri type?  Testing! — We need some basic dataset to run tests on — We need a mechanism to document “correct” solution to a problem  Once this is in place we can move to distributed analysis — Which nodes carry my diagnostic? — Which one should I use? (is it close to my data, is it overloaded, etc…) — Resource management  Multiple implementation of same diagnostics: — MPI vs SLURM vs MPI+SLURM vs HADOOP vs SPARK, vs combinations, etc… Which one to trust which one is faster for me? 11 So… What’s next?

LLNL-PRES  Still in its infancy but crystalizing  The time is NOW, the more you wait the harder it will be to get your voice heard. 12 Summary