LLNL-PRES This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract DE-AC52-07NA Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC Web Services Processing, Application Programming Interface Charles Doutriaux Sasha Ames Tom Maxwell Dan Duffy Dean Williams December 9 th, 2015
LLNL-PRES Overview As computer power goes up, so does data Volume Scientists generating and analyzing these data are many and dispersed BUT the scientific need is greater than ever ESGF solved the first part of the equation: universal, distributed access Bringing all needed data to your computer or even to your facility is no longer feasible Now we need to solve the analysis part.
LLNL-PRES The ESGF-CWT is putting together an infrastructure for WPS This talk is about the API part API is two fold: — Developers: Common ground for creating new tools — Users: Standard way to querying/using resources Goal: Ease things as much as possible for user, i.e. — What services are here? — Can I get their doc? — Let’s use it As much decision as possible made for the user (but we still let these to be known to and forced by the user) 3 ESGF-CWT Solution
LLNL-PRES Basic Architecture Server Side Services Client Side ESGF API
LLNL-PRES Documented at: climate.atlassian.net/wiki/display/ESGF/API+Standards+and+Re quirementshttps://acme- climate.atlassian.net/wiki/display/ESGF/API+Standards+and+Re quirements First pass, will likely be tweaked/enhanced as more developers and users get involved Focusing on JSON input data. First problems we’re trying to solve: — Model Average — Model Ensemble — Multi-models Ensemble Cater very basic needs so far, needs to grow as more features are required. Hint: That’s YOU here. 5 API?
LLNL-PRES API (excerpts) request=Execute&identifier=averager &datainputs=[domain={'id':'glbl','longitude’:{'start':% ,%20'end':% },'time’:{'start’:'1980’,'end’:'1982'}}; variable={'uri':'file://opt/nfs/cwt/uvcdat/latest/share/uvcdat/sample_data/tas_dnm-95a.xml','id':'tas','domain':'glbl'}]
LLNL-PRES VERY BASIC Demo serve — Django-based — Uses UV-CDAT for computation Will probably grow into a real full blown pretty server Code is at: please fork and issue as many PR as possible and/or use issue tracker to give us feedbacks. Also take a look at what others presenting here have already done. Let’s try to leverage from each other. 7 Where do I start?
LLNL-PRES Example? (stick this in “process” directory of server) class Process(esgfcwtProcess): def __init__(self): """Process initialization""" WPSProcess.__init__(self, identifier=os.path.split(__file__)[-1].split('.')[0], title='averager', version=0.1, abstract='Average a variable over a (many) dimension', storeSupported='true', statusSupported='true') self.domain = self.addComplexInput(identifier='domain', title='domain over which to average', formats=[{'mimeType': 'text/json', 'encoding': 'utf-8', 'schema': None}]) self.dataIn = self.addComplexInput(identifier='variable', title='variable to average', formats=[{'mimeType': 'text/json'}], minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=1) self.download = self.addLiteralInput(identifier='download', type=bool, title='download output', default=False) self.average = self.addComplexOutput(identifier='average', title='averaged variable', formats=[{'mimeType': 'text/json'}]) def execute(self): dataIn=self.loadData()[0] data,cdms2keyargs = self.loadVariable(dataIn) dims = "".join(["(%s)" % x for x in cdms2keyargs.keys()]) data = cdutil.averager(data,axis=dims) data.id=self.getVariableName(dataIn) self.saveVariable(data,self.average,"json") return
LLNL-PRES No. The API is designed to be backend agnostic But: — ESGF-CWT will use UV-CDAT where appropriate — UV-CDAT will be officially supported and will be part of the “compute node stack” — No, your preferred application is not guaranteed to be fully supported and/or part of the esgf stack Yes the API team will listen to you even if you do not use UV- CDAT But really… You “should” be using it ;) It’s so much simpler and it makes sense to have everybody using the same tools 9 Do I have to use UV-CDAT?
LLNL-PRES Tom Maxwell -> NASA Maarten Plieger -> sort of ACME 10 Anybody is using this?
LLNL-PRES LOTS! Tighter integration with ESGF — result search as URI? — esgf:// new uri type? Testing! — We need some basic dataset to run tests on — We need a mechanism to document “correct” solution to a problem Once this is in place we can move to distributed analysis — Which nodes carry my diagnostic? — Which one should I use? (is it close to my data, is it overloaded, etc…) — Resource management Multiple implementation of same diagnostics: — MPI vs SLURM vs MPI+SLURM vs HADOOP vs SPARK, vs combinations, etc… Which one to trust which one is faster for me? 11 So… What’s next?
LLNL-PRES Still in its infancy but crystalizing The time is NOW, the more you wait the harder it will be to get your voice heard. 12 Summary