Nights Per week Board in Bedroom Core Steps Powers & Cardinal Rules
Best Way to Monitor Your 953BIB Habits
Why Use 90 days Action Booklet? 1. The Secret of Your future is hidden in your daily routine. 1. What you do daily will determine what you have permanently 2. If we fail with our life, we can always trace back the problem to something that we do daily. 3. Your life is a collection of days 4. You cannot change your life if you cannot change your daily habits. 5. The difference between uncommon success and mediocrity is habit. 6. Habit is anything you do twice that become easier 7. Habit is the result of obsession. Initially you form the habit, eventually your habit form you.
9 core steps 1) Show the plan 3-5 / wk 2) Personal Use 100% user 3) Develop customers 4) Listen to tapes daily 5) Read books 20min daily 6) Attend all functions 7) Associate and Counsel 8) Accountability 9) Proper communications Creating Volume & Network Keeping The Volume & Network
Interviewing New Qualifiers NEW CORE IBO NEW EAGLE IBO
Five Willingness For Going CORE INVEST Total Investment in Education: CD =RM16/month Book =RM25/Month Open Meeting = RM20/month BBS =RM20/month Major Function = RM25/month (RM100/4 months) Tools & Others = RM50/month Total 5yrs Investment = RM156/mth x 12 months = RM1,872/yr x 5 yrs = RM9,360 Comparing: Investing into MBA, 5 nights a week study, how much salary increase after 5 yrs? How much is the return for this business? Learn and Associate - Open Meeting – Copy the Plan & Audio Recording DO/WORK – 6 to 10 hours a week Or 5 Nights a Week CHANGE – Habits Listen – Mentorship
9 core steps 1) Show the plan The Four basics 1 Making a list of names 2 Contacting & Inviting 3 Show the Plan 4 Follow Up & Follow through Customer yes No
How to Help New IBO to Build List Of Names Step1:Why List of Names Step2: Explain Free Association List Building Method Step3: Write Down 5 Information: (Names, Tel, Area, Language, Occupation, Name to called by) Practical Time: 10min
Contacting and Inviting 3 steps to Contacting: Step 1: SMILE whenever there is eye contact Step 2: Say “Hi” Step 3: Wait for Response – If “Hi” Then FORM If “No Hi” Then “BYE” F = Family. O= Occupation, R=Recreation, M = Message Live DEMO 5min
Inviting : Proper Use Of Phone Script (1)Why Use Curiosity Approach (2) All Types of Phone Script (3) Handling FAQ (4) Why Attend Weekly Phone Meeting Actual Phone Team: 30min
How to Show The Plan (1) How to do Simple Overview By Using VCD Or CD (2) How to invite people to Open Meeting & Team Work (3) How to do 1 on 1 using recommended format (4) STP Preparation Checklist Open Meeting Team Work Practical: 30min 1 on 1 STP Practical: 1 hour
Follow Up: Explaining The Taproot System (1)Step of Explanation With the script (2)Things to bring for Taproot explanation Practical Session: 1 hour
How to Get a New IBO Started Right? (1)Using Getting Started Right (GSR Checklist) (2) How to get the First Order – using Survey (3) How to do LOC Demo, PH tester & Price Comparison (4) Explaining the ways to create clients (5) Preparing New IBO for their first counseling session
Preparing New IBO for Counseling *Counseling Mentor should be at least Qualified Double Eagle or Founders Platinum (1)Top 5 common Dream (husband and wife) (2) Goal: This month and this fiscal year (Amway, BWW, Function) (3) Evaluation for each of the 9 core steps (Husband and wife do it separately) (4) Draw LOS with 4 types: a) Dark Circle b)”P”-Potential Leader c)”C”-Customer d) “New”-New IBO
Practical Session for LOC Demo: 30min
IF you want to learn more about How to Use FAST TRACK IBO PROGRAM To Create 300PV Please stay back for another 30min