sniffing Team #1
Easy to sniff To sniff wired communication, must connect the wire between sender and receiver. Because everybody shares the medium in wireless network, it’s easy to collect data.
Tools Network analyzers –Active : NetStumber.. –Passive : airsnort, kismet… Packet sniffers –kismet, ethereal, tcpdump… We used kismet and ethereal
Sniffing - kismet
Sniffing - ethereal
Result by kismet Many APs do not serve any security method. –even Netspot, too Many packets are also not protected by any cipher.
Defense by air cracker Use WEP as possible Use SSL/TLS when you send password or something important –Huge sites like naver serve secure login for a default option. DON’T use wireless internet when doing important thing –e.g. secret work in the office
Further works How to use ethereal effectively? –Using collected data dump directly is too dangerous. –Analyzing the ratio of each protocol is possible Analyze the data collected by kismet