NASSP Breaking Ranks National Showcase SchoolNASSP Breaking Ranks National Showcase School by Amy Herter Presentation of this Year's Logo What is Student Centered Learning?
What is student centered learning? Learner-centered teachers do not employ a single teaching method. This approach emphasizes a variety of different types of methods that shifts the role of the instructors from givers of information to facilitating student learning. Learning-centered teaching focuses on the process of learning.
Student and Teacher Role The functions of the content in learner- centered teaching include building a strong knowledge foundation and to develop learning skills and learner self- awareness. The roles of the instructor should focus on student learning. The roles are facilitative rather than didactic.
Accountability The responsibility for learning shifts from the instructor to the students. The instructor creates learning environments that motivate students to accept responsibility for learning. The processes and purposes of assessment shift from only assigning grades to include constructive feedback and to assist with improvement. Learner-centered teaching uses assessment as a part of the learning process.
Work Week Agenda Technology Breakout Session Tuesday, August 14 th 10: :00 A.M. Professional Learning Communities Opening Session Wednesday, August 15th 8:00AM Auditorium August 2012 Due Date for September Activities August 17 th Due Date for Newsletter Articles August 17th
Revised School Website Need Bios by End of Month
SMART Boards (Total 49) (Three Portable) iPads 2 Classroom Carts New DCMS Cardinal Domain Google Forms, Docs, Gmail, Calendar, Blogs Technology Update Continuation Discovery Education Continuation of Study Island - New Science and Social Studies
Inspiration Software (Installed on All Units) Important Computer Security (Ctrl + Alt+ Delete = Select Lock Workstation) Twitter as PLN's Facebook New Computers (2 New Mobile Lab (Mini Laptops) Total Mobile Labs = 8 Team Mobile Labs
August Advisory Activities - by Anne Jacobs We are the Champions of Student Centered Learning