NO x emission estimates from space Ronald van der A Bas Mijling Jieying Ding
Overview NOx inversion: from concentrations to emissions – algorithm description of DECSO Results of NOx inversion for specific regions: – China, Korea, South Africa, Middle East, Europe
From concentrations to emissions Kalman Filter applied to emissions: State vector (x): gridded emissions NOx emission model (M): persistency Observations (y): NO 2 concentrations of OMI or GOME-2 Model for NO 2 concentrations (H): Chimere + Averaging Kernel + gridding Sensitivity of concentrations to emission changes (H): isobaric trajectory analysis
Properties of DECSO* Regional emissions estimates at a resolution of 25 25 km 2 Relatively fast: Only one run of the CTM needed per time step Emission updates by addition instead of scaling: enables detection new hotspots / relocation existing hotspots Update of NOx-correlated pollutants (CO, PM, SO2) Full error estimation (Kalman filter) * Daily Emission estimates Constrained by Satellite Observations
Overview DECSO (4) Emission update (3) Inverse with Kalman Filter (1) Forward model run (2) Sensitivity calculation Mijling and Van der A (2012), Daily emission estimates from space, J. Geophys. Res.
Current projects on emission estimates from space
MarcoPolo: Monitoring and Assessment of Regional air quality in China using space Observations MarcoPolo project funded by the EU. Objectives: Monitoring air quality from space Improved air quality modelling and forecasting by: – New emission inventory Emission estimates from satellites GIS info, MEIC experience Validation Air quality studies Dissemination of MarcoPolo end products
Scope of GlobEmission Within the GlobEmission project emission estimates derived from satellite observations are developed. Main advantages: spatial consistency and high temporal resolution pointing out/identifying flaws in bottom-up inventories monitoring of emission changes, trends & new spots rapid availability to users They provide complimentary information to bottom-up emission inventories DUE project in
Committed end users European Environmental Agency LATMOS, France Satellite Environment Center of the Chinese Ministry of Environmental Protection Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology South African National Space Agency + South African Weather Service National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan Qatar Environmental & Energy Research Institute Specific user requirements: Species: NOx, CH 4, CO, NMVOC, SO 2, PM, O 3 Accuracy: better than 30% - 80 % Spatial resolution: 1 km - 50 km Time resolution: daily – annual Regional and Global
Regional emissions
Emissions for East Asia
Changes w.r.t. to apriori NOx Emissions
North vs South Korea
NOx emission trends in East Asia Mijling et al., Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2013
NOx emission estimates by DECSO: The monthly NO x emission estimates by DECSO in Nanjing for 2013 and 2014, and the monthly NO x emission of the MEIC inventory of The shade areas show the natural variability (rms) of the mean NO x emission estimates from DECSO. Ding et al., Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2015 Decrease 25%
Emissions for South Africa
Emission hot spots in South Africa
EDGAR v DECSO + OMI Highveld NO x emissions
Majuba power plant
Matimba power plant
Sasol company oil from coal
Emissions for the Middle East
NO 2 hot spots in the Middle East
Emissions for the Europe
NO x emissions in Europe Preliminary! MACC-II Emissions December 2009 DECSO v3b + OMI, December 2009
Thank you for your attention! Emission data available on