❧ Peter Brown Author & Illustrator Grade 1 - Grade 3 Library Media Center Kathy Pandise EDTC-635 ToolsVis Fall 2015
❧ ❧ Each school year, an author is invited to present to all students, Kindergarten through Grade 3. ❧ As the Librarian/Media Specialist, I devote 4 weeks to prepare the students for the visit. ❧ To enrich the author visit, I create a Glogster with a variety of videos, links and activities that students can access from home. Background
❧ The learners grades 1-3 will.. ❖ Understand differences between an author and illustrator ❖ Write and illustrate mini book reviews of the author’s works ❖ Rewrite and illustrate Creepy Carrots into a new and unique story based on the premise of the original book ❖ Write and produce book trailers for the author’s books Objectives
❧ Grade 1: AASL : Read, view and listen for information presented in any format in order to make inferences and gather meaning. CCCS -- CC.1.R.L.3: Key Ideas and Details-Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details. Grade 2: AASL : Respond to literature and creative expressions of ideas in various formats and genres. CCCS -- CC.2.R.L.5: Craft and Structure-Describe the overal structure of a story, including describing how the beginning introduces the story and the ending concludes the action. Grade 3: AASL : Use writing and speaking skills to communicate new understandings effectively : Read, view and listen for information presented in any format in order to make inferences and gather meaning. CCCS -- CC.3.SL.4: Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas: Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking clearly at aun understandable pace. AASL & CCCS Standards
❧ First graders will enjoy 4 books by the author and select one of the 4 to write a mini book review. Students will understand that this will be displayed for the author to see. Unit Activities-Grade 1
❧ Second graders will read Creepy Carrots and create their own version of the story with a vegetable of their choice. Students will work with partners to complete this activity. Unit Activities-Grade 2
❧ Third graders, working with partners, will select a Peter Brown book, read it, and write a 30-second book trailer that will be recorded using Tellagami. Unit Activities-Grade 3
❧ Creating: My students generated unique story elements for an original story inspired by one of the author’s books; designed, wrote and produced book trailers using technology and planned and executed thoughtful mini book reviews. Evaluating: Prior to generating completed projects, my students collaborated within their partnerships; students also checked and critiqued their work throughout the process before finalizing their projects. Analyzing: Students, with the use of the rubrics and the rough draft process, organized and analyzed their work creating cohesive finished products. Bloom’s Taxonomy
❧ Applying: My students were all able to construct finished products that demonstrated a deep understanding of the subject matter and skills needed to successfully complete their projects. Understanding: My students were able to utilize all of the documents and videos to help them understand and execute the projects designed for this author visit. Remembering: My students will demonstrate evidence of remembering by being able to recall books by the author and pertinent information that will be shared during the visit. Bloom’s Taxonomy cont’d.
❧ Verbal/Linguistic: The students that falls into this category as a learner will enjoy recording their book trailers, sharing their new stories and mini book reviews. Logical/Mathematical: This learner will enjoy the structure of each lesson with it’s step-by-step instructions, which are needed for all three grades to successfully complete the projects. Visual/Spatial: Peter Brown books are aesthetically appealing and unique. This learner will also appreciate viewing examples of the projects, as well as detailed instructions on charts. Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
❧ Bodily/Kinesthetic: This learner will enjoy moving around the library to work in corners while recording and taping their book trailers; creating & illustrating new stories with partners; creating mini book reviews. Interpersonal: These learners will thrive while working with their partners to create trailers and new stories. Intrapersonal: This learner will appreciate the ability to independently reflect on their work and write their own mini book reviews. Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences, cont’d.
❧ Helping my students understand the value and importance of preparing for an author visit by exploring all his works and creating projects inspired by his works, will help them to make sense and meaning out of these activities. Additionally, I will share with them videos and photos from past author visits showing authors engaged and appreciative of the preparation for their visits. Pedagogy: Sense & Meaning
❧ Students will be motivated because they love hosting an author visit at school. It is an all- day and whole-school event that takes over the building! Students are excited to have their projects shared with the author. Students that are intrinsically motivated will love reading the stories by Peter Brown, which are funny and silly. These students will make connections to his books. Extrinsically motivated students will like purchasing a book to be signed in front of the author, and sharing their projects with him as well. These students love the opportunity to speak with the author while he is signing their book. Pedagogy: Motivation
❧ ❧ I’ve created this website to offer students a place to review activities, view videos. The site offers them a one-stop resource for all of the materials and information they will need to complete assignments and access enrichment activities on my Glogster page. Website
❧ Sousa, David A. Learning Manual for How The Brain Learns. Fourth ed. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin, 2011.Print. Citations