Elements of Fiction Literary Elements – Part II
Plot, Exposition, Complications Plot: A series of related events that make up a story Exposition: The part of the story that introduces the characters, the setting, and the basic situation. Complications: Mini-conflicts that contribute to the rise in action
Climax, Resolution Climax: turning point or emotional high point of the story Resolution: the end or outcome of a conflict in a story
Diagram of A Short Story Falling Action
Conflict Struggle between opposing forces Two types: Internal External ***There may be more than one in a story.
Internal Conflict A character struggles within himself Man vs. Self
External Conflict A character struggles against an outside force: Man vs. Man Man vs. Society Man vs. Nature Man vs. Supernatural
Setting The time and place of a story. The basic situation when the story begins. The historical/political context Pay attention to sensory details!
Characters Protagonist: main character. Usually thought of as the “hero” but not always! Antagonist: character or force who struggles against the protagonist
Characterization Round: fully developed emotionally / physically Flat: reader has limited information about the character Dynamic: changes during story Static: does not change during story
Tone and Mood Tone: The writer’s attitude towards the audience and the subject matter Mood: The feeling created in the reader after reading a story. Each can be described in one word!
Point of View Perspective from which the story is told. First person: one character tells what they see, hear, etc. ; uses “I” Omniscient: Narrator outside of the story relates the events and tells what all the characters think and feel Third person limited: Narrator only sees the world through ONE character’s eyes
Foreshadowing Author gives hints about what is going to happen BEFORE it happens Think about movies!!!
Flashback When the events in a story momentarily stop so a story from the past can be told
Theme Most important message the author tells through their writing Message about human nature or the human condition NOT a plot summary! Ask yourself: “What is the author trying to teach me through this story, book, movie, etc.?”