Karen Tom Paul
Jessie B. KatieJessBrianna Ethan EmilyBearAbby LeahMelissaJesse Jessie C.
Soil~ The top layer of the earth's surface, consisting of rock and mineral particles mixed with organic matter. O Horizon~ Organic Matter( No Mineral) A Horizon~ Mixture of organic matter and minerals B Horizon~ Slightly weathered mineral C Horizon~ Unweathered mineral Bedrock
Topsoil is a crucial layer because it holds moisture and very important nutrients for plant life. Topsoil has the highest concentration of organic matter and microorganisms. It takes about 500 years to develop 1 new inch of topsoil.
A good way to tell what kind of history a piece of land has is through it’s soil. If the soil in a given piece of land contains large round rocks, it is safe to assume that at one point in time a river was running through that land. Another way to tell the history of a piece of land is if the line of separation between the A Horizon (organic matter and minerals) and the O Horizon is a straight line. This indicates that the land was once plowed.