Monitoring & Evaluating an Urban Social Safety Net Program by Group 1 Tomáš,Tomáš, Andrej, Rebekka, Katka, Helena
Urban Social Safety Net Program Theory of Change Neighborhood com. (NC) Money: Central gvt transfer & local gvt taxes Staff Distribution channels Select eligible beneficiaries People gets stipend up to local standard Administration system for add. assistance Means testing by NC Determine Threshold Health & Medical assistance, education subsidy, reduced utility costs Decreased Unemployment Back-to-work incentive Economic situation of families is stabilized Use of social services & utilities by poorest Reducing the poverty in the urban areas Inputs: Activities: Outputs: Outcomes:
Assumptions - Enough financial resources - Existing Legal Framework - Political Stability (local and central gvt) - Effective and trusted Neighborhood committee - Right Team and Methodology for determining local threshold - Administration of additional assistance is transparent - Existence of infrastructure/capacities (health centers/education) - Sufficient labor market demand - People use the money wisely - Money can solve their problems
Program Timeline XX st pilot 2004 X 2005 X 2007 NOW X 2008 National policy ???? Mid-term evaluation based on case studies
Lessons learned Some questions which seemed to be relevant at the beginning of the process happen to be irrelevant once thoroughly analyzed.