Health: International Finding information on health care delivery in other countries
Resources Books –Use Maryville University Library Online Catalog to locate print and electronic books Periodical Articles –Use Maryville University Online Databases to search for information for pertinent articles in databases
Web Resources Use quality government sites and ngo sites, e.g. –World Health OrganizationWorld Health Organization –Human Development Reports (UN)Human Development Reports (UN) –Cyber School Bus (UN)Cyber School Bus (UN) –Pan-American Health OrganizationPan-American Health Organization –Library of Congress Country ProfilesLibrary of Congress Country Profiles
Library of Congress Call # RA 441
LIBRARY OF CONGRESS SUBJECT HEADINGS WORLD HEALTH –Related Subject HeadingsRelated Subject Headings Medical geography –Planetary quarantinePlanetary quarantine Public health International cooperation
Databases Academic Search Premier Business Source Premier CINAHL Medline SocIndex
Subject Terms in Academic Search Premier MEDICAL Care (uses the phrase, MEDICAL Care, in the Subject Terms instead of the following phrases) –DELIVERY of health care –DELIVERY of medical care –HEALTH care –HEALTH care delivery –HEALTH care services –HEALTH services –HEALTHCARE –MEDICAL & health care industry –MEDICAL services –PERSONAL health services
Academic Search Premier (DE "MEDICAL care") and China –DE searches for the phrase, “MEDICAL care” as part of the Subject Terms and for the keyword, China. This database does not have a good heading for China – no geographic or country field. –Broader search (retrieves 478 records)
Business Source Premier ( SO Country Profile. China and ti health ) –SO searches for the Country Profile on China, a unique feature of this database and ti searches for the keyword, health, in the title of the Country Profile (DE "MEDICAL care") and (ZG "CHINA") –DE searches for “MEDICAL care” in the Thesaurus (subject headings) and ZG searches for China in the Index under Geographic Terms –Retrieves 132 records
CINAHL MW Health AND MW China –MW searches for the word, China, or the word, health, in the CINAHL heading field –Broad search (retrieved 648 records) MH “Health Care Delivery“ AND (ZU "China") –MH searches for the phrase, “Health Care Delivery” in the CINAHL HEADINGS field AND ZU searches for the word, China, in the index field. – This is a narrower search (retrieved 75 records)
MEDLINE (MH "Delivery of Health Care") and (ZY "China") –MH searches for the MESH Heading, “Delivery of Health Care” (Note the inverted phrase compared to CINAHL!) and ZY searches for the Country, China, in the INDEX –Narrow search (retrieves 86 when limited to English language articles) MW Health AND (ZY "China") (762 )
SocIndex (DE "MEDICAL care") AND (ZG "China") –DE retrieves the phrase, MEDICAL Care, from the Subject Terms, and ZG retrieves the word, China, from the Geographic Terms in the Index –Narrow search (retrieves 69 articles)
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