Water in the Air
Investigation 6- Water in the Air Enduring Understanding: Humidity is the water vapor in the air Learning Goals: I will use ice water to cool air to produce condensation. I will measure changes in temperature due to evaporation. I will determine dew point by cooling water in a container until condensation occurs on the container. I will observe changes in temperature due to pressure change. I will use pressure to produce a cloud in a bottle. I will explain how dew and clouds form when humid air cools to its due point and condenses. I will predict could formation by analyzing radiosound sound data.
What is water vapor?What is water vapor? Can you see water vapor?Can you see water vapor? But you can see steam coming out of a boiling teakettle. Why?But you can see steam coming out of a boiling teakettle. Why? Ask a Question
Propose a Water-Vapor Challenge Do you think there is water vapor in the air around us? How could you demonstrate that there is or is not?
Concept Review, Research Water vapor is what phase of water? GasLiquidSolid Fog, clouds, and steam are all visible moisture in the air. They are composed (made) of tiny droplets of liquid water so light they float in the air. They are not water vapor! Water vapor (gas) changes to a liquid (water) when it _______________. (cools or heats up)
Materials Available 1.Plastic cups (two kinds) 2.Thermometer 3.Syringe 4.Water 5.Ice 6.Zip bags 7.Food Coloring (ask me)
CONDENSATION Water can exist in three phases or sates Solid, liquid, gas condensation When water changes from gas to liquid, it is called condensation. Water vapor condenses to form liquid water. The dew on cups of ice water is water that condensed from gas to liquid.
WORD BANK CondensationCondensation= when water changes from a gas to a liquid.