Expert Group on Natura 2000 Management Meeting of 19 May 2011 Fact Sheet on Member State Natura 2000 Management Planning THE N2K GROUP.


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Presentation transcript:

Expert Group on Natura 2000 Management Meeting of 19 May 2011 Fact Sheet on Member State Natura 2000 Management Planning THE N2K GROUP

Management planning for N2000 FACT SHEETS : 17 Member States : AT, BG, CY, CZ, DE, EE, ES, FR, HU, IE, IT, LU, LV, PL, SI, UK & DK - AT: 9 federal states - DE: 9 federal states + marine sites in EEZ - IT : 17 regions THE N2K GROUP

Management planning for N2000 Management plans (1): Management plans are obligatory in some countries (some regions), but not required for all sites. Responsibility of nature conservation authorities sometimes shared e.g. with forest authorities Usually adopted by competent authorities but not legally binding in most countries % of sites with MP: 10-80? THE N2K GROUP

Management planning for N2000 Management plans (2) : Participation of other authorities (Forests, Fisheries, Water, local, etc.), stakeholders, NGOs, in the preparation and development of MPs Contribution, consultation, public information Publically available through web sites, or upon request Financial support usually from public funds, incl. EU funds (e.g. LIFE, EARDF) Not usually integrated into other sectoral plans, except in some countries (most often into forest plans). Usually considered in Appropriate Assessments. THE N2K GROUP

Management planning for N2000 Management plans - types (3): Most countries have single site plans; some have plans for multiple sites or integrated into other sectoral plans Standard template Management costs are included, but rarely compensation payments Valid for: between 3 and 20 years (most often 5-10 years) Level of detail depends on the size, characteristics and problems of the site. Monitoring schemes and systems (art. 17). THE N2K GROUP

Management planning for N2000 Management plans implementation (4): Many countries: not a legal obligation as MPs are not legally binding; framework and guidance for the implementation of the necessary conservation measures for a site Some countries: MPs must be implemented (have a legal status), - only in areas belonging to the state or in public land, - their implementation is only obligatory for public authorities Measures and instruments: contracts, regulation, conservation and restoration actions, land purchase, compensation, etc. Usually adopted by competent authorities but not legally binding in most countries Cooperation with other governmental departments for implementation (forest, agriculture). Public financial resources and EU funds (LIFE, EARDF, ERDF ). THE N2K GROUP

Management planning for N2000 Management planning - Guidelines/Techinical support (5) For writing the management plans and for the management planning process Conservation measures required for specific habitat types or species Higher level conservation objectives for specific species or habitat types Other web sites : information for N2000 management plans and the planning process, guidelines and other technical support documents. THE N2K GROUP

Management planning for N2000 CONCLUSIONS Main information gaps and need for further information/details Other instruments MPs nº, % Sites with effective management Financial needs for managing Natura 2000 sites Main difficulties and obstacles for implementing management THE N2K GROUP

Management planning for N2000 Relevant issues for guidance/recommendations: Ingredients of management plans Involvement of stakeholders, other sectors and authorities Enforcement Integration of Natura 2000 MPs into other sectoral plans Consideration in appropriate assessments Incentives and compensation for implementation of management prescriptions THE N2K GROUP

Management planning for N2000 FIRST THOUGHTS FOR A NOTE BY THE EC good practice guide: art. 6.1 put into practice (pratical focus) lay out the terms of article 6.1 and elaborate what these mean in practical terms (establish the necessary conservation measures …) illustrated by good examples from Member States build on the findings of previous reports and MS fact sheets benefits of having a MP (e.g. means to involve stateholders, make clear what needs protection and why, better integrate cons. measures into other policies, access EU funds, useful for AAs, etc...) drawing up management plans alternative instruments for implementing art 6.1 THE N2K GROUP

Management planning for N2000 RELEVANT ISSUES (1) Site Management plans and other possible options: advantages / disadvantages. Current practice in the EU Involvement of relevant stakeholders. Information and consultation. Integrated approach. The ingredients of a Management Plan. Estimating costs and benefits. Monitoring of implementation THE N2K GROUP

Management planning for N2000 RELEVANT ISSUES (2) Enforcement, negotiation and cooperation: Integration of into other land use activities (sectoral plans, etc.) Communication, awareness raising and cooperation Resolving conflicts. Consideration in the Appropriate Assessment. THE N2K GROUP