1 Presenter Katherine Campbell, Ph.D. Education Program Specialist Office of the Director
Example of documentation Power Point Presentation BIE Fact Sheet Brochures/Website information 2
Overview of the Bureau of Indian Education Homeless numbers in BIE funded schools Challenges in the BIE system 3
Mission Provide quality education opportunities from early childhood through life in accordance with a tribe’s needs for cultural and economic well-being, in keeping with the wide diversity of Indian tribes and Alaska Native villages as distinct cultural and governmental entities. Further, the BIE is to manifest consideration of the whole person by taking into account the spiritual, mental, physical, and cultural aspects of the individual within his or her family and tribal or village context. 4
Director’s Office Administration Associate Deputy Directors, East, Navajo & West -22 Education Line Offices -Points of Contact Division of Performance and Accountability -BIE McKinney-Vento State Coordinator 5
Homeless Students for Schools required to report students in NASIS - Designate a Local Liaison - Document available in Enrollment Packet - Plan for services for students - Required to enroll immediately Challenges - Awareness - Stigma - Structure of system 6
Bureau of Indian Education website National Indian Education Association 7
BIE McKinney-Vento Homeless Education State Coordinator Kat Campbell Education Program Specialist MS-3616-MIB 1849 C St. NW Washington, D.C /
Pinagigi for your attention. 9
Maxihikio and Wannassita Kamequkua 10