Personal learning environments – Web 2.0 for learning Janet Burstall, SEO, Centre for Learning Innovation Grant Casey, CEO, Centre for Learning Innovation
how are Web 2.0 technologies being used already? what are the needs for a personal learning environment that allows teachers (and possibly students) to discover, organise, manage, create, present and share content on the web? how could a Web 2.0 learning environment enable teachers to transform the use of TaLe for themselves and for their students?
Some personalised environments
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What web tools have you used to support delivery, especially to workplace learners? OR What web tools do you think you could use?
What web tools have you used to support delivery, especially to workplace learners? (Answers from Learning Powerhouse 10 August) Blogs Wikiversity Vodcasts - video Slideshare Flickr - photosharing Survey Monkey Jing (like Catpivate) NetVibes Podomatic (MP3) Audacity (records MP3s) Digital stories Photostory 3 Twitter - IMS from web Moviemaker and webcam TeacherTube
Users and non-users About 1 in 100 users initiate a contribution, about 10 in 100 comment or respond. (Guardian, UK) American adult users of ICT -Elite Tech Users (31%) -Middle-of-the road Tech Users (20%) “Connected But Hassled” -Few Tech Assets (49%) (PEW Internet and American Life Project) In one TAFE Institute 0.05% of teachers deliver online, 8% use blended delivery.
Considerations Embedding innovation needs a bridge between early adopters and mainstream. (Maree Jasinski) Digital literacy is a new key competency, all students and teachers need to learn it. Using social software is like riding a bike, not catching public transport. Each individual chooses their own route. Anyone can share any part of the journey.
What are potential issues of having web 2 tools inside the TAFE (and DET) network?
What are potential issues of having web 2 tools inside the TAFE (and DET) network? (Answers from Learning Powerhouse 10 August) DET portal not accessible - "I accept" Adaptive technologies and variant literacy levels need to be catered for. What if it's blocked? Need for authentic texts, i.e. form the outside world, nit just inside the portal. Broadband, speed. Digital rights, copyright. DET portal is maintained on weekends, when sometimes TAFE is teaching, and portal goes down. Keeping inside DET cuts off external expertise, including international. Shared drive content can be cleaned off with no warning, content is lost. Need access to constant innovation in web tools and ideas, which happens externally. Login-password issues provide an early bad experience which puts people off. DET portal is not as usable as external sites. Student safety best learnt in real world, rather than created by boundary. Students need to learn the consequences of having digital identities.
What are the issues of NOT having these tools provided inside the TAFE (and DET) network?
What are the issues of NOT having these tools provided inside the TAFE (and DET) network? (Answers from Learning Powerhouse 10 August) Same as previous question and… Privacy/comfort can be an advantage. When sites are blocked – how are students to learn discernment? Political correctness/code of conduct.
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Web 2.0 and TaLe For mainstream and early adopters
Continue the conversation TaLe PLC forum – TaLe directions ( ng/taledirections) ng/taledirections Topic - Web 2.0 and TaLe 2.0 Login is via the DET portal