AP World History Final Project: Student-led review
Directions For you final project, each student will be assigned a chapter in the textbook, and will conduct a review session for that chapter. Students may choose to review using PowerPoint, MovieMaker, or home video. Each student must also create a ten question test for the chapter. Review projects are due on Monday, May3, and will be presented on the week of May 3- 7.
Guidelines for Review Students may conduct the review in any form, so long as they can present it to the class. You may use PowerPoint, MovieMaker, or video. Review session should be no longer than 10 minutes since we have 30 chapters to cover. Review should provide a concise overview of the chapter, and should include all main ideas, and terms. Students may supplement with maps, visuals, etc. You want to provide the class with a basic understanding of the information in that chapter. You need to know your assigned chapter backwards and forwards, and be prepared to answer any questions about the information in the chapter. You will each be an expert on at least one chapter in this book!
Guidelines for Test Each student will create a ten question test for his/her assigned chapter. Each question must be multiple choice, and must include 5 possible answers (i.e. A-E) Each test must include an answer key I will use your questions to create a practice test for the AP Exam, and will perhaps use some of the questions in your final. This gives you ownership by allowing you to contribute to you assessment. But beware! Only AP level questions will be considered for inclusion on the final!
Extra Credit Opportunity Because the cost of producing copies is exorbitant, I will not require you to make handouts for your review session. However, I will give you the option of creating handouts to distribute to the class for extra credit. If you choose to make handouts, you will need to make 30 copies; one for me and one for the rest of the class. Each student will receive ten bonus points on this assignment. If the cost of copies is an issue for, see me about alternative extra credit opportunities.
Additional Info You need to save your review presentations to Synergy, and then save them to my computer. I will post all of your review materials on my website so that you may all access them from home, and use them to study for the AP exam and the final.
Rubric (10)Following directions _____ (50)Content/accuracy of info _____ (20)Presentation of review _____ (20)AP level test questions _____ (10)Bonus for handouts _____