Slide # 1 GEO Task AR Architecture Implementation Pilot George Percivall GEO ADC Meeting, 28 February & 1 March 2007
Slide # 2 GEO Task AR Architecture Implementation Pilot Task Sheet GEOSS Clearinghouse RFI GEOSS Web Portal Portal RFI Proof of Concept Phase Call For Participation (CFP) –Architecture Pilot Phase
Slide # 3 GEO Task AR Architecture Implementation Pilot Lead incorporation of contributed components consistent with the GEOSS Architecture… …using a GEOSS Web Portal and a GEOSS Clearinghouse search facility …to access services through GEOSS Interoperability Arrangements …in support of GEOSS Societal Benefit Areas Title from AR task sheet
Slide # 4 AR and other ADC Tasks Consolidation of tasks from 2006 into AR –GEOSS Clearinghouse AR –GEOSS Web Portal DA Coordinate with Task AR –Process for Reaching GEOSS Interoperability Arrangements (AR-06-01) –GEOSS Interoperability Strategic Guidance (AR ) –GEOSS Components Registration (AR-06-04) Other tasks
Slide # 5 GEOSS Clearinghouse AR Task accomplishments in 2006: –RFI released; Demo at GEO-III Request for Information (RFI) –Candidate architecture for distributed catalog network –Call for participants in Proof of Concept phase –Responses to RFI due December 2006 – Results of RFI –RFI Response Summary Document; 11 responses –Proof of Concept Testing for Catalogues begun
Slide # 6 Clearinghouse RFI Responses BNSC/Infoterra Canada/ GeoConnections EC/JRC ESA GEONETCast Germany IGOS-Geohazards Japan/JAXA/ Univ. of Tokyo UNGIWG/FAO/UNEP US/FGDC/IEEE US/NASA
Slide # 7 GEOSS Web Portal DA GEOSS Web Portal RFI –Issued in Jan ‘06, Responses in Feb ‘07 Portal RFI Responses –Germany –European Space Agency (ESA)/FAO –Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) George Mason University, ESRI, Compusult –United States (NASA) Identified need for GEOSS user scenarios
Slide # 8 Proof of Concept (POC) Activities POC Phase: 1st Qtr 2007 –Element of GEO Task AR –Combines Clearinghouse, Portal and Services work Catalogue testing –Technology Integration Experiments (TIE) –OGC Catalog Service for the Web (CSW) Seeking scenarios from GEOSS users Summary Response document –Update RFI architectures based upon responses –Updated architecture will be part of CFP
Slide # 9 GEO Task AR Architecture Implementation Pilot Task Sheet GEOSS Clearinghouse RFI GEOSS Web Portal Portal RFI Proof of Concept Phase Call For Participation (CFP) –Architecture Pilot Phase
Slide # 10 GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot “Pilot” - implementation of interoperability arrangements in a persistent environment Develop recommendations for GEOSS Web Portal and Clearinghouse Demonstration in advance of the EO Summit –Portals, Clearinghouse/catalogues and Services –Scenario supporting one or more GEOSS SBAs. Utilize OGC Procedures for conducting a pilot Schedule: Initiation in 1st quarter 2007, 6 month development
Slide # 11 Pilot Approach *RFQ/CFP = Request for Quotation/Call for Participation Execution Task D Kick-offPreparation Task C RFQ/CFP*Development Task B ConceptDevelopment Task A Deploy Task E OGC Pilot Policy and Procedure
Slide # 12 AR-07-02: Milestones AR Pilot Plan Development Dec‘06 – Jan‘07 GEOSS SBA inputs/scenariosJan ‘07 CFP PreparationJan – Feb CFP ReleasesFeb – March CFP ResponsesMarch Clearinghouse POC completeMarch Pilot Kickoff meetingApril Deploy, Integrate, Test 4 mo.April to August DemonstrationSeptember 2007 Persistent CapabilityAfter September
Slide # 13 Roles on Pilot Initiative Participants –Organizations that contribute components and demonstration support IP Team –Engineering and management team –Facilitate architecture discussions and demonstration development –Architects and Task Lead Other roles: sponsors and observers Organizations may staff more than one role
Slide # 14 GEO AR Pilot of Pilots FEDEO Pilot Tri-Lateral Pilot GEO Tasks? OGC Architecture and Standards for Earth Observation
Slide # 15 CFP Architecture Developed from RFI and Responses RM-ODP Viewpoints for architecture –Enterprise: purpose, scope, and scenarios –Information: features, coordinates, semantics –Computational: service oriented architecture Identifies candidate interoperability arrangements –Engineering: component types –Technology: component instances ISO/IEC 10746: IT-Open Distributed Processing - Reference Model (RM-ODP)
Slide # 16 GEOSS Web Portal GEO Web Site Portal Community Portals Portal Decision-Support Clients User Interfaces Registers GEOSS Clearinghouse ISO OGC CSW Other GEO Registries Registers Business Processes Portal Community Catalogs Portal Community Services GEONETCast Data Access Portal Observation Access Services Portal Other Services Portal Model Access Services Catalog Server Catalog Clients Catalog Client CFP Engineering Architecture
Slide # 17 CFP Technology Architecture Contributed Components - Draft EO-Portal – ESA GeoConnections Discovery Portal EU Geoportal NASA Earth Science Gateway ESA Service Support Environment IGOS-Geohazard Geoportal Bund JAXA Metadata Catalogue JAXA WGISS Test Facility for CEOP USGS/IEEE Registries Infoterra Web Map Service UNSDI/FAO/UNEP components GEONETCast EO GEO Global Spatial Data Infrastructure (GSDI) Registry Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) ADEN/AADN ALOS Interoperability – ESA WMO Global Telecommunications System (GTS) Future WMO Information System (FWIS) United States – National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI)
Slide # 18 GEOSS Portal Requirements - Draft Graphical design of Human-Computer Interface shall use GEOSS design themes Shall have a TBD interface to web pages hosted at the GEO Secretariat. Shall provide a catalog client interface Hosted on a computer at TBD Maintenance shall be performed by TBD Shall respond to TBD hits per/hour with less than TBD% degradation of performance vs. no-load performance. The clearinghouse shall be available at least 99% of the time, i.e., approximately 7 hours of down time a month.
Slide # 19 GEOSS Clearinghouse Requirements - Draft Shall provide a catalog service interface –TBD hits per day Shall provide catalog client interfaces Shall provide a registry for –GEOSS Community Catalog Service metadata –(others) Registration into Clearinghouse by the TBD methods TBD interface to registries hosted at the GEO Sec Hosted on a computer at TBD Maintenance performed by TBD org. Availability >99%, i.e., ~ 7 hours of down time a month
Slide # 20 Expectations for Sept/Nov Minimum –Register components and services –Discover datasets and services from more than one GEO Member & PO (Ocean, land, atm, health, economic) –Invoke services, e.g., viewing, access, alerting –Demonstrate using scenarios from SBAs, e.g., predictive capability (targeting hot spots) Reach –Value-add services –Service chaining
Slide # 21 Potential demonstration scenarios Disaster management / Emergency Response Climate change Polar (IPY)
Slide # 22 AR-07-02: Output & Deliverables Persistent capability –GEOSS Webportal –GEOSS Clearinghouse/Catalogues –Services to meet SBA scenarios GEOSS Architecture Implementation Report