Background A service developed in order to provide Ministries of Education with access to a network of learning content repositories and associated tools that allow them to more easily exchange high quality learning resources that ‘travel well’ and can be used by teachers in different countries. Evolved through a series of EC funded projects: ASPECT, eQNet, iTEC, SENNET… Driven and supported by LRE-subcommittee made up of 10 MoEs – some are represented here today…
LRE is NOT a Portal - It is a catalog collecting and distributing metadata
LRE Portals
LRE Widget
LRE Portal
60+ LRE Content Providers
Current Activities: Europeana DSI: three sided-platform The Europeana DSI focuses on three markets: -End-users -Re-user community -Cultural heritage professionals (data partners)
Major goals of the Europeana DSI – Boost the distribution infrastructure through partnerships – Improved data quality in Europeana – Improve interoperability of cultural heritage – Develop and maintain services for each of our markets – Work towards long-term financial stability for Europeana
Europeana as a content provider LRE is an important stakeholder in the education domain for distribution and re-use of open content Two main activities for the LRE with Europeana DSI – Selecting from open subsets – Curating metadata to make it pedagogically relevant – Challenges…
History Education Historiana Learning Section A selection of learning activities related to World War 1 featured on the learning section of For a video tutorial, click here.
History Education Historiana Apps An exemplar application of the Analysis Tool using a satirical map from the National Library in France. The Analysis tool can be used for free by educators to create their own online learning activities at For a video tutorial, click here.