3-5 March 2004 ESA ODFCB, 3-5 March 2004 ESA Columbus Ground ODF Validation ESA ODFCB, 3-5 March 2004 Simon Challis, MSM-EO
3-5 March ESA Columbus Ground ODF Validation ESA ODF Management Plan currently does not cover the ESA Columbus Ground ODF Validation Process in detail Recommend Validation Process Based on JSC-36054, Annex 3 - SODF Procedure Validation Plan - Ground ODF Developers Determine Validation Requirement for Each Ground ODF - ESA ODF CB Approves these Recommendations to ensure that correct validation level for each procedure has been determined prior to validation campaign Validation Requirements based on Validation Levels first defined in DLR Operations Validation Implementation Plan (Col-CC OP Delivery #3) In order to maximise efficiency of validation campaign a definitive list of Ground ODF should be finalised ASAP (Synthesis of EADS-ST, DLR, Payload Developer and FRCs inputs
3-5 March ESA Ground ODF Validation Levels (Corresponds to ISS ODF PV Requirements) Desk Top Validation - Level-1: Validation by analysis/review Simulation Facility Validation - Level-2: Validation using the Col-CC TQVS - Level-3: Validation during the Col-CC Simulation Campaign - Level-3.1 Stand Alone Simulations (SAS) at Col-CC using TQVS - Level-3.2 Columbus Integrated Simulations (IS) using TQVS or Col-TRE - Level-3.3 Columbus Joint Multi-Segment (JMST) Simulations using SSTF/Col-TRU Flight Equipment Validation -Level-4: Validation during the System Validation Tests (SVTs) using FSF, PFM or SVF/SDIL (NASA ETE Testing)
3-5 March PV Requirements Selection Criteria Working Assumption: As a Minimum all Ground ODF should be Validated up to Level 2 Propose ESA/DLR to Define PV Requirements Selection Criteria. Examples: - Probability of Use during Flight 1E Mission - Response Delay (Immediate Actions/Response in Several Days) - Procedure Complexity (Commanding & Commanding Co-ordination) - Criticality of ODF (Safety/Mission Critical) - Appropriate Validation Fidelity - Others In addition DLR to Propose Facility Configuration and Personnel Roles for Each Validation Level ie Level 2 TQVS Validation DLR to Propose Validation Criteria For Each Level
3-5 March ESA Ground ODF Validation Process New Col-CC Procedure 1 Ground ODF Ready for Use Submit PV requirements to ESA ODF CB Conduct OVRR Conduct POVR Revalidation Required 2 ESA ODF CB approved PV reqmts Facility Required No Yes No DLR OR EADS Yes EADS Yes Co-ordinate and schedule within Col SVT Working Group 4 Co-ordinate and schedule with TQV Team at Col-CC DLR OVRR 5 Required POVR 6 Required ARs Required Yes Update PV/CM Records Submit CRs (ARs) to ESA ODF CB 7 Yes No Yes ODF Approved for use at Col-CC Yes No Incorporate CRs Update PV/CM Records Conduct PV Session Submit to ESA ODF CB for Approval 8 No Yes Determine PV Reqmts 3 Yes No
3-5 March ESA Ground ODF Validation Process Notes: 1. New Procedure Constitutes one of the Following: - DLR Ground SODF Based on EADS-ST Flight ODF (Single or Multi-element) - DLR Ground SODF Based on EADS-ST Input - DLR Ground Multi-Element PODF Based on EADS-ST/FRC Input - Others? 2. Revalidation is determined as part of PV Requirements and the ESA ODF CR Process? 3. Assessment is made by Ground ODF Developer (ie Col-CC). Unless otherwise specified by CR this assessment is only made once and the beginning of the validation process for each Ground ODF. 4. Post Columbus SVT 2 Activities 5. OVRR - Operations Validation Readiness Review. Refer to OPS-PL ESA, MSM GS Operations Validation Plan 6. POVR - Post Operations Validation Review. Refer to OPS-PL ESA, MSM GS Operations Validation Plan 7. The I/F between the ESA ODF CB SPR System and Col-CC AR System is not defined in current Col-CC Documentation. This I/F needs to be defined 8. Do Ground ODF Have to form part of official release to ISS ODF? Release will coincide with Ops Product Delivery Schedule
3-5 March ESA Columbus Ground ODF Validation: Additional Issues There are a number of Issues that Impact the ODF Validation Process that need to be resolved/clarified: ESA ODF Validation Process - One System or Three? (Flight/Ground/Payload ODF) Agreed Working I/F between Flight ODF and Ground ODF Developer Teams Definitive List of Ground ODF Agreed ESA ODF CR System between all ESA ODF Developers Agreed Location(s) where ESA Columbus Ground ODF Validation Process will be documented Clear Flight ODF Validation Process outlined in EADS-ST Documentation