“Power Up” the Learning With Your JMS Media Center! Air burst Rocket photo from BeautifulFreaks Accessed on Creativecommons.com
We all know that the amount of information available through print and non-print sources has increased exponentially since we were middle school age, and continues to grow at a dizzying pace! Information Overload
This information explosion is both exciting and challenging. Now, in addition to simply finding information, our students need to develop skills in evaluating and processing it. These skills are a large part of information literacy. How Does it Affect Our Students?
Information Literacy The American Library Association (ALA) defines information literacy as a set of abilities requiring individuals to "recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information." ALA also states that "information literacy is a survival skill in the Information Age."
Information literacy forms the basis for lifelong learning. It is common to all disciplines, to all learning environments, and to all levels of education. It enables learners to master content and extend their investigations, become more self- directed, and assume greater control over their own learning. Information literacy skills + content area instruction = greater student achievement!
Your Media Specialist is here to help you as an instructional partner to teach information literacy skills that will fit in with your content area! Information Literacy is one of my Specialties!
Major Instructional Elements of Your Library Media Program: 1)Collaboration 2)Information Literacy Instruction 3)Enhancing Learning Through Technology 4)Reading, Literacy and Literary Appreciation
When we plan together before the start of a new unit of study, I can help your students get their research started on the right track. Depending on the assignments and the standards you are planning to address, some of the following services could be helpful: Pre-search for relevant information Research process instruction (e.g. the “Big 6” research model) “Library Launch” for major research projects Research pathfinders Collaboration
Search strategies Resource selection criteria Integrating multiple literacy skills with content area instruction Copyright instruction/discussions Information Literacy Instruction
GALILEO vs. Google Tools for creating final product (help with Microsoft Office products, etc. and new ways to present results such as Glogster, Prezi and podcasting) Enhancing Learning Through Technology
Booktalks Readers advisory (individual and through web site) Help with AR program (introduction, STAR testing, etc.) Dewey Decathlon Reading, Literacy and Literary Appreciation
Resources For teachers and staff: For everybody: