National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Glenn Research Center Microgravity Environment at EXPRESS Rack 4 (ER4) 1 Kevin McPherson Eric Kelly Jennifer Keller Ken Hrovat Advanced Plant Habitat (APH)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Glenn Research Center 1.SAMS/MAMS Acceleration Data 2.SAMS/MAMS Sensor Locations 3.Microgravity Environment Components 4.Three Aspects to Consider 5.Vibratory Characterization of EXPRESS Rack 4 6.Quasi-Steady Characterization of EXPRESS Rack 4 7.Roadmaps for the Microgravity Environment 8.Brief Characterization of Some Disturbances 2 Outline
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Glenn Research Center 3 NASA GRC Capabilities and Services process & analyze Start Date =5/3/2001 Stop Date =10/1/2013 Stopwatch (hours) =108,816 NASA Sensor Hours ~ 405,976 JAXA Sensor Hours ~ 4,298 Accel. Archive >10TB
4 SAMS/MAMS Sensor Locations SAMS SE F02, MSG upper left seat track SE F03, ER2 lower Z panel SE F04, ER1 lower Z panel SE F05, ER4 drawer 2 SE F08, ER3 seat track TSH-ES05, CIR TSH-ES06, FIR MAMS in ER1 (OSS and HiRAP )
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Glenn Research Center Microgravity Environment Components 5 a generic label NOT intended to quantitatively characterize platform
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Glenn Research Center 1.Spatial Where is your location of interest (module/rack)? High-frequency vibrations tend to be localized, so request SAMS sensor as close as possible to your location. Low-frequency vibrations tend to be global. MAMS data can be mathematically mapped to your location. These slides focus on EXPRESS Rack 4 (ER4) in JEM. 2.Temporal When do you expect to operate? Relative quiet below ~6 Hz during crew sleep. Some investigators leverage crew sleep for sensitive periods. You “batten down the hatches” during reboost perhaps. 3.Spectral Any resonances or sensitivities? Fruit fly investigation has sensitivity between ~ Hz. Marangoni liquid bridge experiment sensitive ~0.25 Hz. 6 Three Aspects to Consider
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Glenn Research Center Vibratory Characterization of EXPRESS Rack 4 Comparison of GMT 06-Jun-2013 to 07-Jun-2013 (f < 200 Hz): Each plot on the left is spectral summary for that day. The black, dashed rectangle highlights portion of the acceleration spectrum from ~ Hz. Spectrum for this sensor location is relatively stationary over the month analyzed for ER4. To see this in more detail, view the following link (a 30-page PDF) in flipbook fashion and focus on the frequency range from 140 Hz to 200 Hz: For lower frequency concerns, where the changes are much more subtle, see analogous summary at this link: Power Spectral Density Frequency (Hz) 7 See pages 16 & 20 at following link for follow-up on question about the units of Power Spectral Density (PSD):
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Glenn Research Center Quasi-Steady Characterization of EXPRESS Rack 4 MAMS Quasi-Steady Measurements for June 2013: X-, Y-, and Z-axis components of quasi-steady (below 0.01 Hz) acceleration vector vs. time for the entire month (mapped to SAMS sensor location at ER4 in the JEM). The red, mean values show mean values derived from ISS rates/angles data for the month: X = ug, Y = ug, Z = ug To see this in more detail, view the link below: 8
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Glenn Research Center Consider the following timeline: Web-Based “Roadmap” Resources ARCHIVE (lags real-time by 2 days): See roadmap spectrograms for SAMS ER4 Sensor (121f05) at: Navigate PIMS roadmaps with calendar view for last ~12 years! BUFFER (most recent 48 hours): Roadmap Spectrograms for SAMS ER 4 Sensor (121f05) at: Browse most recent 2 days of screenshots from real-time. REAL-TIME (most recent ~2 hours): Roadmap Spectrogram for SAMS ER4 Sensor is updated at: This automatically refreshes in browser. 9
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Glenn Research Center Brief Characterization of Some Disturbances 10 SourceBrief Characterization Notes Progress Reboost* duration = 11.4 minutes, x-axis step = 0.4 mg * mean values based on 24 reboosts ATV3 Reboostduration = 7.0 minutes, x-axis step = 0.3 mg Mode One ~0.1 Hz, fund. mode of main truss monitored daily by loads and dynamics team USL < 2 ugRMS, COL & JEM < 3 ugRMS (Sept. 2012) GLACIER Ops two narrowband spectral peaks: (1) Hz, (2) Hz Ku-Band Antenna5 to 17 Hz, nom. < 500 ugRMS with orbital period variations MSG Opsbroadband, step up 536 ugRMS for f < 200 Hz Robonaut Opsnarrowband peak: 50 ~47 Hz ARIS Attenuation0.01 to 20 Hz, step down from ~100 to ~10 ugRMS (FIR ops) CCAA fan: ~57 Hz or ~95 Hz, ~510 ugRMS water separator: ~98 Hz, ~234 ugRMS Crew Sleep/Wake difference primarily below about 6 Hz: USL during sleep ~11.8 ugRMS, during wake ~23.9 ugRMS JEM during sleep ~15.2 ugRMS, during wake ~34.6 ugRMS COL during sleep ~17.3 ugRMS, during wake ~37.7 ugRMS
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Glenn Research Center 11 SourceBrief Characterization and Notes Soyuz 36S Docking Cygnus Capture and Install quasi-steady shift on Z-axis of ~ 15 ng MSG Work Volume, 3 Fans 73 Hz narrowband, open mode > 850 ugRMS 47 Hz narrowband, normal mode < 10 ugRMS Port Truss impulsive events, Sept. 4-27, 2013, nominally orbital period trigger external (truss) sensor at 5 mg threshold Brief Characterization of Some Disturbances