V.N. Maslova, E.N. Voskresenskaya, E.V. Dunaevskaya 10 September 2012 Łódź, Poland Joint AMO and PDO manifestations in the winter wheat yield in Ukraine Marine Hydrophysical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Aim to study how Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) influence on low- frequency variability of winter wheat yield in Ukraine
Data sets Regional winter wheat yield (1945–2008) in different agroclimatic zones of Ukraine: woodland, forest steppe, steppe Monthly AMO and PDO indices (1990–2008) Long-term series of monthly in-situ precipitation & temperature (1990–2008) Frequency and depth of cyclones and anticyclones (1948–2006) over Ukraine obtained using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data sets
Agroclimatic zones of Ukraine
Winter wheat yield in
Regional factors t air and p are mean values for the vegetation period of winter wheat c d – depth of cyclones a f – frequency of anticyclones AIR TEMPERATURE & PRECIPITATION SINOPTIC SYSTEMS (CYCLONES & ANTICYCLONES)
Global factors [ Atlantic Multidecadal OscillationPacific Decadal Oscillation [
Climate shift in XX century The climate shift in 1965–75 was found in the variability of winter wheat yield
Association with AMO R=-0,6 Average long-term differences Error bars correspond to 99% confidence level
Association with PDO Average long-term differences R=0,4 Error bars correspond to 99% confidence level
What are the joint AMO and PDO manifestations?
PDO-AMO index as an indicator of joint influence
Joint AMO & PDO manifestations R=-0,57
Conclusions The climatic shift in 1965–75 associated with multidecadal processes in the ocean-atmosphere system was found in the variability winter wheat yield in Ukraine During AMO+ or PDO- phases the winter wheat yield is 10–15 centners/ha higher than during AMO- or PDO+ phase The joint influence of AMO and PDO determines about 30% of the variability of winter wheat yield in Ukraine