Nasya Therapy in Ayurveda
Introduction : One of the Panchkarma mentioned in Ayurveda, Nasya is the procedure in which medicines (herbalized oils and liquid ) medicines are administered through the nostril in order to purify the head and neck region. The Medicines which are used for this procedure, include oil Churna, in powder form,, plant juices, decoctions, infusions, and even smoke Since nose is the gateway of the head “Nasahi Shirso Dwaram’’ as per Ayurveda texts. The therapy cleanses and opens the channels of the head, thereby improving the process of oxygenation (prana), which has a direct influence on the functioning of brain. The therapy is beneficial if done on a regular basis, because it keeps the eyes, nose and ear healthy. It also prevents the early graying of hair and bear. Nasya controls all doshas in the region of head as well as all the centers of sense organs and motor organs situated in the head, hence it is also useful in the treatment of various disorders like headache, migraine, facial paralysis, Hemiplegia, aphasia.
Purva – karma Snehan and swedan It should be done to the patients Face, Forehead, Head, Ears and Neck It helps to loosen the adhesive doshas, thereby facilitating the subsequent elimination.
Pradhan - karma POSITION Patient is asked to lie down in a bed with his hand and legs kept straight. His head is maintained at a lower position by keeping the pillow below the neck. Placing the medicine above hot water gently warms it and then it is made to flow in to one nostril, while the other is kept closed the same process is carried out in the other nostril also
Paschat - Karma The sole, shoulder, neck, ear and palm are gently massaged after the administration of the drug. Patient must spit out all the secretions and medicine that reach his mouth. Swedan karma should be repeated after the nasya.
Nasya - Practical Indications Cervical Spondylosis Frozen Shoulder Hemiplegia Facial Palsy Seizure diseases Mental diseases Head aches ENT conditions
Types According to the dose 1.Pratimarsha – A dose of only 2 drops in each nostril 2.Marsha – 8 to 32 drops in each nostril. Ghee or oil is used for marshya nasya treatment
Nasya dravya (medicine) acts by reaching 'Sringataka marma” i.e. cavernous sinus is a main vital point situated on the surface of the brain corresponding to the nerve centers, which consisting of nerve cells and fibers responsible for the function of speech-Broca's Centre, vision, hearing, taste and smell. From where it spreads into various strotasas and brings out vitiated doshas from it. Mechanism of Nasya - karma
PROBABLE MODE OF ACTION OF NASYA - KARMA Effect on drug absorption & transportation may takes place in following ways 1. By vascular pathway 2. By lymphatic pathway 3. By olfactory pathway
Many nerve endings which are arranged in the peripheral surface of mucous membrance, olfactory, trigeminal etc will be stimulated by Nasyadravya and impulses are transmitted to the central nervous system. results in better circulation and nourishment of the organs and the diseases will subside Probable Action of drugs used in Nasyakarma
The nose is the doorway to the brain and it is also the doorway to consciousness. Prana or life energy enters the body through breath taken in through the nose. Nasal administration of medication helps to correct the disorders of prana affecting the higher cerebral, sensory and motor functions. Conclusion