Compound Objects Compound Subjects Helping Verbs NOT Prepositions Compound Objects Compound Subjects Helping Verbs NOT
Compound Objects Prepositional phrases start with a preposition and end with a noun or prounoun. The noun or pronoun is called the object of the preposition. Sometimes the preposition will have a compound object. When the preposition has 2 or more nouns or pronouns it is a compound object. We take our vacation in July and August.
Compound Subject There sometimes is a compound subject in a sentence. Compound subject means that there are two or more subjects in the sentence. During the snow storm, the boys and girls rushed home.
Helping Verbs is am are was were be being been may must might should could would do does did has have had shall will can
NOT A verb phrase is the main verb and the helping verbs along with the main verb. Both the main verb and helping verbs are underlined twice Not is not a verb. Not will not be part of a verb phrase. Not will never be a verb, n’t counts as not so it will not be a verb either. Do NOT underline not since it is NOT a verb. Put a box around NOT in the sentences.
Now you do it!! The gift was from John and his sister. Outside the building, the cats and dogs played. The burglar and his helper walked toward me. The swimmers were not competing for ribbons. I cannot understand your answer. Some cars haven’t been sold at the auction.