R. Fantechi
Shutdown work Refurbishment of transceiver power supplies Power supplies dismounted Shipped to Orsay this week Refurbishment work to start early January One CERN technician will visit Orsay to get the know-how Get them back before the end of February
Shutdown work Improvements in temperature monitoring Implement water temperature measurement in the DCS Hardware is ready, also additional temperature switches and thermistors Optimize the thresholds on the Vaisala monitor + put its power and network connections outside the CREAM racks Try to get the maximum reliability from CAEN VME fan trays (now poor) In January start to add these items to the DCS
Shutdown work Remote switching of CREAM crates Install few Ethernet-controlled power boxes Expect them to be more reliable than 10 Gb switch Indeed low speed Ethernet devices didn’t suffer from radiation accidents (i.e. network interfaces of HV power supplies) One box already in the lab Learn how to use it and how to eventually integrate it in the DCS
Firmware Multiple event data packet First offer from CAEN after a discussion on the specification A second iteration was needed Too simplified assumptions in the first one A new offer is coming this week Starting from January Assign the work to CAEN Restart the test bench in bldg 14 to be able to have a fast test of the firmware Modify the farm software to handle multiple event packets Some old code is available, done at the beginning by Jonas Should be adapted and integrated in the farm software