Created Feb 2011
Facebook - This is the social networking site that we use the most. We run this almost as an extension to our charity website by advertising events, updating our supporters, giving visitors information about us, sharing photos and encouraging people to become more involved with us. All areas of Income Generation are promoted on our facebook site, through status updates of news & upcoming promotions. Twitter - Although we do use Twitter our focus is more on Facebook. We currently use Twitter for updates and promoting offers in shops, major events and general news updates. Our twitter account is linked to our Facebook account so any Twitter updates show immediately on our Facebook status. Flickr - This is a social network site primarily for adding and sharing photos. We currently don’t really use this, except to share photos between staff that aren’t really relevant to our followers (i.e Shops Window competition photos) You Tube - Again, we don’t really use this site, occasionally if we have larger videos to upload it’s done through You Tube, but mostly all this is done directly through Facebook.
WALL: Shows all activity on our page. Good for posting updates and encouraging supporters to interact with the page INFO: General Info about our charity, contact information etc. DONATE: This is a custom tab that we have added with a link straight to our online donation pages. EVENTS: Add upcoming events, has the option for people to respond if attending PHOTOS: Add photo albums for events or add individual photos. Supporters can tag themselves and comment on the photos BOXES: We don’t really use this but shows all applications linked to the page (Other tabs can be added using the + tab but these are the only ones we currently use) This is where any adverts show (these can be any adverts, not just ones we add!) EDIT PAGE: Change any features/details of our page (Only admin users see this) PROMOTE WITH ADVERT: Quick link to creating adverts INFO: Summary of our information VIEW INSIGHTS: See statistics of page – views/interactions etc (Only admin users see this) Our most recent status update appears here This area shows all recent activity on your page, Every wall post gives users the option to Like – shows them as liking the post Comment – Add a comment to the post Share – automatically copies the post and adds it to their personal page (we like this one as people not necessarily following us get to see what we have going on)
These tabs allow you to change everything from security settings, who can see what on your page and most admin tasks. This is where you set up the basic elements of your page. Any text entered here also shows in the information box on the main page This tab lets you tidy up the address of your Facebook site, the default when you create the page is often not simple enough for supporters to find through search engines for example. This section allows you to make the address for your site easy to remember and find – however, you can only change this once so make sure you get it right!
Current admin users will show, to add a new person type the name of the person in the box and Facebook will bring options of people available. There is currently no maximum number of admins allowed per page, however we keep the number as low as possible to keep control of the page content. Only Admin users can edit the settings of the Charity page. To make someone an admin user they first have to like the page. In Edit Page select Manage Admins. You can also remove admin users if you no longer want someone to have access
This is the main page where all updates, photo uploads, events etc appear as they are added. We encourage our followers to post on our wall if they are doing events or helping us in any way. We try not to update the status too often as people can get annoyed with constant status updates, and we also try to vary the content of the updates to keep people interested. When posting a status update you can either just write a bit of text by using. To add a photo use the. To add a link to another page or site use To add a video use We use the Link option quite often, to do this copy the address of the page you want to link to, paste it in the address box and attach. You then get the option to add some text to the link before sharing it.
General Information on your Charity, office opening hours, contact details etc. This is edited in the Edit Page section and can contain as much or as little information as possible. We use this tab as the first thing people who don't already follow us see when they visit our page (this is set in the Edit Page section)
This is a custom tab you can add to your page, a good way of having donation buttons/widgets allowing your followers to make online donations from your Facebook Page. The page is created by installing the FBML application, the easiest way to do this is type FBML in the search tab and you will be taken to the correct page, then ‘add to my page.’ To customise this you need to go to Edit Page, 1. Apps, and one will show as 2. FBML, select 3. Go To Application
You should now see this page. BOX TITLE: Whatever you type here will appear as the name of the tab (i.e. Donate or Support Us) FBML: This data is copied from the donation website (i.e. Just Giving, Virgin Money etc) To get the Button (Widget) codes, log into the relevant website and search for donation widgets and you should be taken to the page below. Click on the button you want to appear on your page and then copy the text that appears in the box. Paste this into the FBML section on your facebook tab then save. If you now go to the Donate (or whatever you have called it) tab, the donation box should appear. You can add as many buttons as you like on this tab in the same way. (if the tab is not appearing select the tab and it should be there) The help sections on most Donation sites is very helpful if you have any problems with this Just Giving's Button Page (Example)
This tab shows all your upcoming events. We use this for everything from local Walks, Treks or launch events. Followers of your page can RSVP to events here and you can invite people to the events. They automatically show in date order and are removed after the event has happened. Use this button to create an event.
You can enter as much or as little information here as required. Select Guests allows you to invite specific people If you upload a photo its best to use as few pixels as possible to help when people load the page. Creating/Editing Events This is what the finished event will look like. You can always update/edit the event here Followers that are attending will show here. Anyone can write comments here The Event Itself
The photos tab shows all Photos uploaded to your Facebook page. Currently, there is no limit to the number of Photo albums you can have, and no maximum number of photos per album. From this page you can view the albums, create new albums and see photos added by others. Click here to create a new album or click on any picture to view that album.
The albums appear like this, clicking on any photo brings up a pop-up box of the full sized image where people can add comments or tag themselves. We try to promote this as it brings people who may not usually come to our page to the site. Comments people have posted about the album in general appear here People tagged in the album appear here You can edit the album from here
This is one of the most useful sections on Facebook, from here you can put badges on your Website (allowing people to link straight to your Facebook page), make adverts and update all your fans either by or Facebook status updates. ADVERTISE ON FACEBOOK This is the bit we use the most. This allows you to create an advert that shows at the side of peoples pages, you can target any demographic you like and the adverts appear even if that person doesn't currently follow you. You have to pay for adverts and you can decide how much you spend per day (explained a bit later on!!) TELL YOUR FANS allows you to send an update to a selected list of contacts, not your Facebook Fans GET A BADGE & ADD A LIKE allow you to add Facebook links to your website SEND AN UPDATE allows you to send an update to all of your Facebook Fans This section determines how the advert will look, most people advise to keep the text short and draw people in with a catchy picture!
This box changes as you select the targeting criteria to show how many people your advert will potentially reach You can customise these sections to meet whatever needs you have for the advert
This section deals with how much money you want to spend on the advert. You have the option of paying per click (someone sees the advert and clicks on it) or by view (the advert appears but is not clicked). We usually go for the per click option as the advert still appears regardless, it works as a kind of auction system where you say the maximum amount you want to pay per click (i.e. 50p) and if yours is the highest ‘bid’ at the time your advert will show. The advert will run until it reaches the daily budget you have set then will stop until the next day This sounds quite complicated but basically Facebook will tell you a suggested bid, add about 5p to that and you’ll be fine! After the advert has run there are lots of reports showing statistics. We always review the advert before ordering just in case as once you order it cannot be changed When your happy just use a credit card to confirm the ad and go crazy!
This area allows you to edit you account settings for the advert payments. You are automatically asked to do this for your first adverts and then it only needs to be edited if account changes occur.
Once an advert campaign is completed you can view reports showing how many people viewed your ad, clicked on it, what times were most popular and basically anything else you might like to see! This shows all of your previous adverts This area shows a basic summary of your adverts, clicking on a specific add will take you to a more detailed breakdown This section shows a summary of how much you paid for the advert per day
This is the standard detailed summary of an advert This help section is very useful for understanding the reports and making the most of your adverts
Reports Accounting The reports you can generate from this section are excellent to determine the success of the advertising campaign. They are also good as a reference for new campaigns you may be thinking of advertising You can also get financial reports and statements showing how much was charged during each campaign. We print these straight off for the accounts team as they have everything they need and its quick and easy
USERS shows how many people per day have liked or unliked your page and how many of these people have visited your page SEE DETAILS shows a more detailed breakdown of gender, age etc The insights section of Facebook is a great tool to establish how much interaction people are having with your page, and you can also see the age ranges and gender of your followers INTERACTIONS shows what people have been doing on your page (i.e. viewing posts, adding photos etc) SEE DETAILS shows a more detailed breakdown of this
Facebook, and most social media sites are great tools to develop donor relations and get the views of those that support your charity. As with everything Facebook is constantly updating and they are always bringing out new ways to reach your ‘fan base.’ The help section (at the bottom of any Facebook page) is great for advice, not only from the Facebook team but other users in the forums. When we first started utilising social media we had around 100 Facebook followers, in just 6 months we have made that nearly 900 and growing steadily, although its not just about numbers, our aim is to get as many people interacting with us as possible spreading the word about our charity. Check out our Facebook page at