Exercise 1: Improve the organization of supervisory visits Purpose: Answer questions about supervision and plan how to improve organization of supervision in your programme 1.Using your own experience, select one intervention, identify problems and plan for supervisory visits? What could you do to manage these problems? Intervention: …………………………………………… ProblemsHow to manage (solutions) Based on the case investigation report, data available is insufficient to judge whether this is an imported case Revisit the patient and carry out the case investigation again, Further collected detailed information
ProblemsHow to manage (solutions) Based on the case investigation report, data available is insufficient to judge whether this is an imported case Revisit the patient and carry out the case investigation again, Further collected detailed information
WhereWhat and who to superv ise Supervisory methodsWhen: Frequency Who will conduct sup. visits Other interventi ons that could be supervise d at the same time Commu nity Health Facility District level Surveil lance officer in county CDC 1.Face to face discussion with surveillance officer in county CDC 2. Re-visit the patience and case Investigation together with the county CDC staff 3. Identify the essential messages which was not collected in the first case investigation 1.For every reported cases, re-visit these case investigation reports, if similar problems occurred, unclear data review again 2.If several such situations occur, we need to organise a training course for case investigation and classification Foci investigati on, foci interventi on Provinci al level Provinci al CDC surveilla nce officer Central Level