Rise To Power
4 Europe = wars 4 sell/buy goods 4 isolationism –George Washington – Monroe Doctrine
4 Manifest destiny –American Character –Frederick J. Turner 4 Expansionism –N. & S. America
4 Monroe doctrine 4 Josiah Strong - mission to expand 4 Social Darwinism 4 Imperialism
4 Japan –Com. Matthew Perry 4 Alaska –7.2 million –Seward’s Folly
4 Hawaii –missionaries –raised sugar –McKinley Tariff –Queen Liliuokalani Battle with Dole
4 Venezuela –enforced the Monroe Doc. –Told Europe & L.A. that U.S. most important co. in America.
Africa U.S. looks for markets 4 Imperialism 4 Manifest destiny
Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia & 1885 claim entire continent 4 Open door policy 4 U.S. supports Belgian gov.
4 George Washington Williams –1st black leg. Ohio –visits Congo writes letter –opinion turns
Ernest May –“ Some Nations achieve greatness, the U.S. had greatness thrust upon it.” 4 Expansionist
4 Alfred Thayer Mahan –Influence of Sea Power upon History –“to support American diplomacy and commerce the U.S. needs a modern Navy.”
4 Sec. Navy Ben Tracy –pushes for new ships 4 Mahan & Tracy shape policy
War With Spain 4 “It has been a splendid little war” John Hay 4 U.S. world power 4 Left of Spanish Empire
4 Cuba, Puerto Rico, Philippines, & Guam 4 Cuba rebelled and failed 4 Economy based on sugar 4 Weyler - reconcentracion –move pop. To towns
4 Spanish atrocities reported 4 Called Butcher Weyler 4 newspaper battle –Journal & World –Hearst & Pulitzer
4 Yellow journalism 4 Hearst- “ You supply pictures and I’ll supply war.” 4 American’s want Indep. For Cuba
4 De Lome letter - spanish minister- critical of McKinley 4 Maine explodes killed press blames Spain 4 congress authorize force
4 Battle cry Remember the Maine 4 Teller Amendment –U.S. would not annex Cuba –Spam war lasted 4 months –Dewey in Manila
4 Emilio Aguinaldo – filipino leader 4 Rough riders and Black unit 4 Dewey arrives and war over served 5462 died 379 battle deaths 4 Treaty of Paris 1898
4 Platt Amendment 4 Hays notes 4 Boxer rebellion 4 Open door policy