Goal 6 Part 2 Spanish American War (1898) IMPERIALISM.


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Presentation transcript:

Goal 6 Part 2 Spanish American War (1898) IMPERIALISM

American Interest in Cuba SPAIN owns the Philippines and Guam (Pacific) Cuba and Puerto Rico (Caribbean) U.S. WANTS Cuba!!! 1 st War for Cuban Independence  Cuban rebelled against Spain….U.S. sympathy went out toward Cubans!  Legacy: Cuban slavery was abolished!  U.S. Reaction: INVEST!!!!

2 nd War for Cuban independence Jose Marti (The Butcher) - A Cuban poet and journalist that deliberately destroyed American sugar cane mills and plantations - Why??? _____________________________ - CUBA LIBRE!!!!

Spain’s Response to American intervention / Cuban Revolt Spain sends Valeriano Weyler – to restore order in Cuba Used barbed-wire concentration camps  Cubans could not receive aid / medical attention – nearly 300,000 people died

3 CAUSES OF THE SPANISH AMERICAN WAR (1898) (1) Yellow Journalism (indirect) (2) De Lome Letter (indirect) (3) U.S.S. Maine explosion (Direct / MAIN) Territories that are annexed through events of Spanish American War (1) Cuba (FREE) (2) The Philippines (3) Guam (4) Puerto Rico

Headline Wars / Yellow Journalism Yellow Journalism – introduced in the Spanish American War (1898)  The sensational style of writing, which exaggerates the news in order to lure and enrage readers  Example: Cuban children being thrown to sharks (1) William Randolph Hearst (2) Joseph Pulitzer

William Randolph Hearst “You furnish the pictures, I’ll furnish the war” - William Randolph Hearst (Spanish American War) - Interpretation: as long as pictures are taken…Hearst will write outrageous stories to support a war between Spain and the U.S.

De Lome Letter Written by a Spanish minister Cuban rebel (intercepted) the letter and put it in the hands of the Americans  Topics: President McKinley and America were WEAK! De Lome apologized, but America got really angry!

The U.S.S. Maine EXPLODES!!!! ***** THE MAIN CAUSE OF THE SPANISH AMERICAN WAR (1898) ***** President McKinley sent the U.S.S. Maine to Cuba to bring home American diplomats (Havana Harbor) Feb 15, 1898…the U.S.S. Maine EXPLODED, killing 260 Americans

U.S.S. Maine Explosion

War Erupts between Spain and America U.S. battle cry for U.S intervention in Cuba / against Spain = “Remember the Maine” Congress declares war and its on! What caused the Spanish American War DIRECTLY…INDIRECTLY??? War in the Philippines: - First battle of the Spanish American War (Not Cuba, like Spain expected!)

War in the Philippines FIRST BATTLE OF THE SPANISH AMERICAN WAR Leader: George Dewey U.S. gained support by the Filipinos – oppressed by Spain and wanted freedom! End of the War in the Philippines: Manila: Philippine Capital, Spain surrendered…. Now we need to go to Cuba!

***Rough Riders*** (in Cuba!) A volunteer Calvary in the Spanish American War led by TEDDY ROOSEVELT: Most famous Rough Rider / Proved himself…later to become President in Rough Riders: landed in Cuba, 1898, Port of Santiago Famous Rough Rider Battles: Kettle Hill & San Juan Hill Result: Spanish surrender!...

Roosevelt’s Rough Riders

TREATY OF PARIS (August 12, 1898) ENDED the Spanish American War!!! Armistice, cease fire agreement! Other war that ended with an Armistice? Secretary of State JOHN HAY called the Spanish American War a *** “SPLENDID LITTLE WAR” *** - lasted only 16 weeks! *** Important result of the Spanish American War = America emerged as a “World Power!”

Treaty of Paris December 10, Spain and America meet in Paris to discuss an “armistice” Results:  Cuba = FREE  Guam = Owned by America  Philippines = Purchased by America  Puerto Rico = Owned by America

Debate over Treaty of Paris / Imperialism Support: 3 goals and others….. Non-Support:  Booker T. Washington – “lets solve American issues first!”  Samuel Gompers – “Filipinos will come over and compete for jobs” Anti-Imperialistic League – against imperialism because it abandoned American ideas of democracy / imperialism is racially and corruptly driven / imp. = death! Ex. Andrew Carnegie & Mark Twain

Imperialism Letters *Purpose: In order to explore the various views of imperialism and how it affected assorted groups of the world. Assignment: - Pair up with another class member. Decide between the two of you who will support imperialism and who will oppose it. Letter : One side of the group will write a ½ page to a full page letter to an “Anti-Imperialism League” member to promote the idea of imperialism. (Argue FOR imperialism) - The other member of the group will write a ½ page to full letter to an imperialist to persuade them to weigh their opinion against the idea (Argue AGAINST imperialism) After you are finished with your letters, you must switch and respond to the other party's argument with a detailed response to the points that are made. FINAL PRODUCT: 1 letter that promotes imperialism with a response to that letter on the back arguing the opposing side of the issue.

Imperialism Poster In groups of 3-4, you will create a “propaganda-styled” poster that “promotes” imperialism. Poster must include the following: - Creative Title - Arguments in bullet form - Political Cartoons / Artwork that represents the ideas and nature behind imperialism - (Computer is available upon request) - Color and Effort goes a long way! - Use Lecture Notes (Goal 6 Part 1 & 2) and p Purpose: To analyze how imperialism affected the growth of America at the turn of the century and the effect on colonial people of the world.