Course Redesign Initiative Jack Dempsey University of South Alabama
Principles: Improve Quality Increase Cost Efficiency
Research Support USDOE meta-analysis* “Students who took all or part of their class online performed better, on average, than those taking the same course through traditional face-to-face instruction.” “Instruction combining online and face-to-face elements had a larger advantage relative to purely face-to-face instruction than did purely online instruction.” *Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning: A Meta-Analysis and Review of Online Learning Studies, Washington, D.C., 2009.
Research Support NCAT projects* (redesign 30 institutions) 25 of 30 signif. increases in learning (others NSD) Majority reported increased course- completion and lower DFW rates Avg. cost reduction 37% *National Council on Academic Transformation.
Course Redesign Initiative Focus –High enrollment courses –eLearning usually blended format
Scope U. South Alabama 37 redesign proposals (first round) affecting estimated 4,400 undergrads NCAT 30 institutions 30 course redesigns affecting 50,000 students nationwide
Course Redesign Initiative 37 faculty Proposals respond to SVPAA’s call Up to 18,000 annual course enrollments in 2011 Most pilots start fall semester
Type of Redesign
Models of Redesign Proposed
Course Redesign Initiative Fall 2010 Numbers RedesignTraditionalTotal Instructors Sections Enrollment * 34 total redesign courses for Fall 2010
Quality and Cost Efficiencies operational cost reductions – combined sections – Fewer part-time Instructors & GAs – faculty reassignments
Quality and Cost Efficiencies Creative eLearning technologies – lecture capture – interactive instructional materials from publishers – online tutoring – guided examples – team case studies – expert guests
Quality and Cost Efficiencies Active on-campus learning sessions – Structured team-based problems – Cases and inquiry learning scenarios – Oral and project presentations – Large group content review – Strategic quizzing; practice tests – Critiques and discussion
How we will measure? Improve Quality Obtaining Data – Parallel Sections (Traditional and Redesign) – Baseline "Before" (Traditional) and "After" (Redesign) – Focus groups Comparison of Methods – Student Success rates – Common Final Exams – Common Content Items Selected from Exams – Pre- and Post-tests – Student Work Using Common Rubrics Cost Reduction cost per Student salary/credit hour production increased course enrollment capacity reduction in part-time instructors and GAs
How have we supported? Professional Development NCAT and Sloan-C Conferences and workshops - 3 groups of faculty OLL & PETAL workshops Two-day Instructor Bootcamps Course Redesign Website Evaluation assistance Redesign Academy (3 days w/ honorarium) Redesign Faculty Get-Togethers Direct Support Institutional tools (iTunesU, Camtasia Relay) Personal Tools (laptops, software) E-Learning Assistant Program
Risks & Rewards Wildflowers or Weeds?Principle-guided Innovation