Effective communication EngagedEngaged ?
Effective communication
Eye Tracking: Missing Link Eye tracking - objective method of measuring attention by recording eye movements when an individual is looking at a display screen, object or scene. Ability to monitor: – Gaze – Fixations – Sequence of eye movements We can gain quantitative information about what captures attention, causes distraction or is difficult to decipher. Cognitive testing
£10K to £70K per person-year cost reduction with good interface design (Mantei and John Mylopoulos, 2001).
What are we doing right now? Healthcare Anesthesia Trainee AnaesthetistExpert Anaesthetist
What are we doing right now? Healthcare Anesthesia Trainee AnaesthetistExpert Anaesthetist
Clinician training heads up display hardware combined with attention based software for ultrasonic guided regional anesthesia
Niche position in an untapped market Automated eye- movement analysis software Human factors consultancy, research and evaluation services. Competitors Ability to partner with existing market participants Human factor consultancies Usability consultancies Eye tracking providers
Scientific quantitative analysis Human factors eye- tracking Training products USP
Customers and Markets. Products and Services Training software Training hardware Eye- tracking services Markets Medical Energy Financial Transport Defence Existing Relationships NHS Tayside EDF Morgan Stanley Brookes Bell Thales UK
100% IP Operator training Software: Copyright & Trademarks Hardware: Patent Expertise: Knowhow
Team Founder: Dr Mel McKendrick MA (Hons), Mres, PhD Mentor: Craig Rattray BA CA Clinical Advisor: Dr Graeme McLeod, MD, MB, ChB Technical Advisor: Prof George Corner, BSc (Hons), PhD Require Chairman Advisory Panel– Industry experts CEO?
Funding Required Phase 1 – Product/Software Development £50,000 from Gabriel / SIB £100,000 SMART Key achievements Validation of expert/novice differences Development of automated analysis algorithms Market development Expressions of interest/initial sales
Funding Required 2 Phase 2 / Year 2 – Product Development £150,000 new investment £80,000 SMART R&D Key achievements Develop product Build infrastructure and team Business development team Develop licensing revenue
Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5 £’000s14/1515/1616/1717/1818/19 Turnover01802,0405,4307,660 Projects Licensing005002,5004,500 Hardware001,2002,400 Gross Profit(6)1241,3464,0996, %66.0%75.5%81.9% Overheads (Net) PBT(65)(81)9003,5305,604 FINANCIALS
Exit Strategy
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