Goals, Benefits and Approaches Dan M. Davis MHPCC CTO’s Office O UTREACH VIA T ECHNICAL A RTICLES A Publications Program for MHPCC
Executive Summary The viability and growth of MHPCC, and indeed of the whole of HPCMP, depends on the recognition of its value by the funders, the warfighters and the technical community whose research it supports. A low cost, pervasive and professionally attractive way to increase MHPCC’s visibility is to dramatically increase the technical publications efforts which were patently and manifestly insufficient under previous regimes. This effort will require virtually no additional expenditures and will produce many additional benefits in addition to its significantly bolstering MHPCC’s Business Development and growth opportunities.
Goals Increase Visibility of MHPCC Capabilities and Contributions to: Funding sources Congress HPCMP AFRL Other Government agencies Warfighters Intelligence Community Technical Community Improve Professionalism of Staff Elevate Staff Morale Enhance Drive to Produce Tangible Results
Objectives Increase Technical Article Production at MHPCC Realign Staff Vision toward Professional Growth Implement Publications Assistance from Mentors Quantify Publication Expectations Assume 3 to 5 co-authors per 12-page paper Promulgate goals for being a co-author on publications Doctoral Degreed Personnel – 3 articles per year Masters Degreed Personnel – 2 articles per year Bachelors Degreed Personnel – 1 article per year That equates to only 3-9 pages per author per year Produce 12 to 15 New Papers per Year Optimize Professional Travel and Minimize Costs Go where Customers are CTO and Chief Scientist Attend Many Already
Benefits to MHPCC Increase Visibility to Cognizant Groups Establish Fresh Staff Emphasis on: Professionalism Growth Take Leadership Role within HPCMP Inculcate Timely Production Motivation Improve Scientific Credentials within AFRL Accentuate MHPCC’s Professionalism for Recruiting Attract Research Opportunities viaConference Attendees
Benefits to Individual Professional Growth Professional Recognition Internal MHPCC Recognition Personal Honors in Becoming Author Professional Certification via Resume/CV Entries Advancement in Professional Organizations (IEEE, ACM) Travel Opportunities (within budget & operations constraints) Local Recognition (via news releases to media about articles) Academic Advancement when pursuing Higher Degree
Proposed Approach At Early All-Hands Staff Meeting Brief Benefits of Publication Explicate Assistance and Mentoring Solicit Ideas to better Facilitate Publication Defuse Impression of this being an Imposition DDavis will then Meet with each Member of Staff Investigate Technical Skills and Achievements Look at Potential co-Authors (internal and external) Consider Publication Targets: Conferences, Journals, etc. Mutually Develop Voluntary Publication Production Goals
Alternative Approaches X-Manager – Publication is condition of employment “PUBLISH OR PERISH!” Y-Manager – Assist those who are motivated to publish “We’re here to help you, if you want to do this.” Create Publication Elite “ You’re one of the few bright guys, so start publishing, let the ‘others’ catch up if they get interested.” The Carrot, rather than the Stick “If you want to go to a conference, get a paper accepted.”
Mechanics DDavis would visit with all staff members once a year Explain benefits and establish publication goals Organize teams of co-authors Review Conference and Journal Opportunities DDavis would visit once a quarter to review progress with co- author teams Travel Limited to Presenting Author Preferable venues include Journals not requiring presentation Hawai‘i-based conferences would save travel dollars SC and MHPCMP UGC also attended already Establish Chief Scientist/CTO “Best MHPCC Paper” Award DDavis would establish “Publications Web Site” to facilitate effort
Cost Benefit Analysis Costs Modest time investment (not detrimental to current work) Possibility of some new travel expenses to present (discretionary) Estimate additional 2 new conference attendances/year Cost O($5K) …??? Benefits National visibility for MHPCC Increased Professionalism in Staff Improved Focus on Project Completion Morale Boost by Local and National recognition Outreach via co-authoring with Other Organizations