SPP FIELDS DFB Quarterly June 16, 2015 Solar Probe Plus FIELDS Instrument Quarterly Q Digital Fields Board (DFB) 1
SPP FIELDS DFB Quarterly June 16, 2015 DFB Development Status (1of3) Q EM Testing During Q2, DFB EMs participated in several testing activities at SSL –Supported MEP to SCM testing, MEP thermal tests, and on- going interface tests –DFB team performed analysis, reviewed test results, and participated in resolve of questions, concerns, and issues –After integrated testing and subsequent disassembly of the MEP, the DFB EMs were swapped; EM1 now at SSL, EM2 at LASP Q2 also included extensive EM testing and FPGA code testing at LASP –Performed testing and validation of design; continues over next week before committing to flight –The FPGA Digital Burst Memory (DBM) code was completed and is now resident on the lab FPGA –FPGA code load updates sent to SSL for incorporation on the EM1 for MEP testing –Considerable testing still needed to verify performance and resolve bugs –Maintaining database list of complete and remaining testing and bug tracking –Automated test scripts and self-checking test bench work starting 2 EM thermal testing and test configuration at LASP
SPP FIELDS DFB Quarterly June 16, 2015 DFB Development Status (2of3) Q MB-DB mechanical alignment ‘investigation’ Worked to resolve the alignment concern experienced during assembly of FPGA Daughter Board (DB) to Main Board (MB) –Both boards were assembled using the MEP HDLP connector alignment jigs but the insertion force was significantly greater than the prior built mechanical test board done –Metrology on the jigs indicated interference between the jigs and over constrained holes on both the MB and DB –Built a new DB jig and building a new MB jig to resolve the interferences –New jigs will be available for all SPF MB/DB PWAs: DFB, DCB, and TDS 3 Main Board to Daughter Board alignment During this jig investigation, it was determined that the Hypertac HDLP connector alignment socket holes were undersized on the MBs, not allowing the shoulder insertion into the PWB –This is the root cause of the height issue that has plagued the DB to MB connector stack –LASP will open up the DFB MB connector alignment holes to accommodate the shoulder, and also will remove the PIPs holes on the Flight DFB MB –Advised the SPF team on this finding and recommended solution
SPP FIELDS DFB Quarterly June 16, 2015 DFB Development Status (3of3) Q Flight PWB spin commences in July with following updates: –Corrected design oversights in the E-Field Filters –Reduced inductor size for bottom side clearance –Added two charge bleed resistors in SCM calibration power circuit –Increased hole sizes associated with the HDLP connectors used to connect to FPGA DB –Increased isolation between channels to lower crosstalk Layout in process, review with SPF team in early July, getting Fab quotes All EEE flight component parts received –Received Flight columned (CGA) SIDECAR ASICs, qty 2 –Received outstanding inductors (M83446/39-37F) –Once FM PWBs arrived, will send out for coupon testing Test equipment/GSE identified and in-process –Completed trade on available test equipment for signal characterization, found that the Venable provides best frequency response measuring capability Continued writing scripts Preparing flight docs 4 Flight ASIC SIDECAR
SPP FIELDS DFB Quarterly June 16, 2015 DFB Schedule Q EM Characterization Testing in Q2 FM Fab and Assembly in Q3
SPP FIELDS DFB Quarterly June 16, 2015 DFB Financial Assessment Q DFB 533 actuals continue running slightly under plan –see staffing slide for labor –ODCs running pretty much on plan, with known higher part costs from proposed –Total costs still maintained within CV plan EVM correlates to schedule and budget –EVM actuals running under plan as reflected by 533 reporting and schedule extension –Metrics will improved as flight build commences SSL has been very helpful with proactive funding and extending the Period of Performance thru 9/30/16 6 SSP-DFB Remaining Funds AS OF May-15 Funding $3,871,259 Cum-to-date spent$3,194,280 Encumbrances $5,851 funds remaining5/31/15$671,12883% Jun-15 $134,342 remaining funds as of6/30/15$536,78686% Jul-15 $114,420 remaining funds as of7/31/15$422,36689%
SPP FIELDS DFB Quarterly June 16, 2015 DFB Staffing Q Staffing Status: Ken Stevens is now the FPGA lead and will continue in this role David Summer transitioned out of lead, supporting Ken and David M –David S will transition off SPF this summer, supporting only as needed All other staffing remains the same Staffing profile from Q1 updated with actuals to date –EPs running below plan by 1-2; Scientists effort lower but increases over summer months, delayed start of FM build reduced EPs also, but will increase with build later in summer 7 LASP Staffing Plan Date2015 Mar-15Apr-15May-15Jun-15Jul-15Aug-15Sep-15Oct-15Nov-15Dec-15 hours EPs Actuals LASP Ken Total Actuals EP Actuals Equivalent People (EP) 174 hours/mnth