1. When is father’s Day ? 2. Which flower is the symbol of the father’s Day ? 3. In your eyes, what is your father like ?


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Presentation transcript:

1. When is father’s Day ? 2. Which flower is the symbol of the father’s Day ? 3. In your eyes, what is your father like ?

Read the article quickly, then the following question. 1.What makes the author consider his father to be his hero ? The care and love his father shows for him and his family. 2. How does the father help the community?

He set up a committee to help elderly people in the area. This committee arranges for people to cook healthy food Like bean curd and fresh green vegetables for the local Elderly people. He also helps arrange a social afternoon once a week at the community centre to entertain the elderly.

Read the transcript of a speech “ My father, my hero” and summarize each part. Para 1 Para 2 Para 3 Para 4 What I _____ about my father. My father’s ___________ about me and my brother. My father’s ______________. My father made the best __________ for us. value constant care hard childhood Christmas

My father helps in our ______________. My father helped his friend’s son __________________. My father’s __________. My father’s good _________ of success. Para 5 Para 6 Para 7 Para 8 local community go on study. qualities optimism

TRANSLATION 1. 老师对我和同学们一直所表现出来的 关心和爱护使我尊重他. What I value about my teacher is the care and love she shows for me and my claamates all the time.

2. 当小汤姆让小凳子绊倒时, 发现没 有人来扶, 他挣扎着站起来.. When little Tom tripped over a mat, finding no one come to help him, he struggled to his feet.

3. 据说在南美洲的亚马逊河里有一种鱼, 它能在两分钟把人吃得只剩下骨头. 4. 从马丁 · 路德 · 金身上, 我们可以看 到一个人是可以产生影响的. It is said that there is a special kind of fish in the Amazon, which can eat a person in two minutes, leaving only bones. Though Martin Luther King, we have learned that a person can really make a difference.

5. 四十年后再见面, 我们都将是满头白发 ﹑ 邹 纹爬满额头的老人了. Forty years later when we meet again, we will be all senior citizens with grey hair and wrinkles on our foreheads.