Why Can’t We All Get Along? Manners and Character Education Traits! By: Jada Jackson
Manners are important!!!
Wash hands before eating Clean up your mess Cover your mouth when coughing Chew with your mouth closed Do not pick your nose in public Do not be late Hold the door open for someone Do not interrupt someone when they are talking
I Love School
Of all the character education traits, my favorite is Responsibility. We can be responsible by: taking care of our own actions Thinking before we act When I agree to do something, do it. Do not make others do what I am suppose to.
What I have learned… Manners need to be used at home and in and outside the classroom. Good character traits and manners are used everyday! Manners can tell a lot about a person. Manners and good character education traits do not come naturally- they are something that you have learn.
Remember the Golden Rule: Treat others the way you want to be treated! And that means using your manners and good character education traits!