Advice from a 8th grade dork (=^-^=) By: 8th grade dork Jk :D by: devon!! I <3 this font!!
Language Arts Accelerated Reader To survive this class you will need a book (obviously) Your teacher is willing to teach you as long as your willing to learn. SO PAY ATTENTION! Study your vocab list!!!!!!! it is obviously important if she's telling you to copy it!!!! Making your goal isn't hard and for dorks and nerds (like me) you try to see how many points you can get before the 9 weeks is up! (guilty as charged) Anyways just pace yourself and it will be easy Also pick books you like dont bore yourself to death
Math & Accelerated Math Math is not my favortie subject at all! >_< I may be good at it but its not my favorite by a long shot. In this class you really have to pay attention because everything goes together! If you dont understand you might want to ask because you will be lost the next day! As long as you get the # of a-maths done you will be ok I pinkie swear promise!
Social Studies Okey dokey! Social Studies!!! When I think of social studies I think of really old dead people! Nice discription I know! But even if social studies is not your favorite class try to find something interesting and keep looking for other things about it. It will really help you out! Most likely the reason you think the class is boring is because you haven't found anything interesting!!
Science Woohoo science an all you can learn buffet of rivers, maps and other sciency stuff! You are definitely going to do labs in this class. Just be quiet during instructions! Giving you a warning because most likely your teacher doesn't like to repeat themselves!
Haha Lunch I <3 lunch! Keep your voices down!! just because your in middle school doesn't mean you are big and bad! Unless you want silent lunch or to be branded with the name Big Mouth use your inside voice!! Any ways enjoy!
Lockers! Dont get obsessed about lockers (yes they are fun) but if you spend to much time at them then you are tardy or absent im not sayin dont decorate it just dont goof off at them
Bathroom Ahhh bathrooms it might be the most secretive quiet place in the whole school... NOT!!! with bathrooms you get in and out! If you play around too much you could los priveledges!
Exploratories Exploratories are the best time of the day! You take a break from all of your core classes and get to do fun things like: french, dance, chorus, pe, computers and others! :D
Clubs If you are in a club make sure you go to the meetings
Sports As a 6th grader you are not aloud to play sports yet. So keep your grades up because sports are availiable next year.
Busses On the bus you know what to do. Sit in your seat and try not talk too loud.
Field Trips Make sure you dont get in trouble so you can actually go to the field trips
My favorite HJ I dont really memory I came here and I met some cool people this is a very nice school even though I was only here since November of Enjoy your time here at HJ
teachers I dont really have favorites but Mrs. Davis & Mrs.Greene are really nice and funny
Final words..... If you didnt get any advice out of this whole powerpoint then read it again!! (if your reading this for the second time I feel bad for you)