Agenda Tues 9/6 & Wed 9/7 Rap #7 : Welfare State Preamble Quiz Foundations of Democracy Chapter 1 Review HW: pg 24 #1-12, 17,18, 20 Prepare for Chapter 1 Quiz
Rap #7: Welfare State “The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves—in their separate and individual capacities.” --Abraham Lincoln
Basic Concepts of Democracy Chp 1 Sec 3
Democracy Democracy exists because of the assumption of basic principles Democracy is not a common form of government and is dependent upon certain concepts “Democracy is the recurrent suspicion that more than half of the people are right more than half of the time.” --E.B. White
The 5 Foundations of Democracy 1. Fundamental worth of the individual Democracy insists that each person’s worth and dignity be recognized and respected by all other individuals, and by society, at all times. 2. Equality of all persons equality of opportunity & equality before the law
Fundamental Worth of the Individual Each person no matter what their job, class, gender, race is an individual and should be respected How is this different than in a monarchy or communist system?
Equality of all Persons This is related to the worth of the individual As individuals we are all equal This is the one we have had the most trouble with! This does not mean we are all the same but are privy to the same opportunities! Ex: The right to pass or fail
The 5 Foundations of Democracy 3.Majority rule and minority rights The majority must always recognize the right of any minority to become, by fair and lawful means the majority. The majority must be willing to listen to a minority’s argument, to hear its objections, to bear its criticisms, and to welcome its suggestions.
Majority Rule and Minority Rights If the power is in the hands of the people then they make the decisions Decisions are not unanimous but based on the desire of the majority Because the majority has the power they must take special care to not discriminate or oppress minorities Ex: The majority cannot decide to unlawfully prison the minority
The 5 Foundations of Democracy 4.Necessity of Compromise Not all compromises are good. Puts the individual first but insists that that each individual is equal. 5. Individual freedom Absolute freedom would end in anarchy.
Necessity of Compromise All opinions are considered equal, just as individuals are considered equal Because of this assumption of equality there has to be a give and take or compromise Without compromise the country would never make any decisions Some things are above compromise Ex: Freedom for all US citizens
Individual Freedom In a democracy there can never be complete freedom… that would be anarchy and was forfeited under social contract theory You are free to do the things that don’t effect others A democratic government must find the balance between freedom and authority
References McClenaghan, W. (2006). Magruder’s American Government. Boston, MA: Prentice Hall.