ACCELERATING CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH Supercores – Genomics & Metabolomics/Proteomics Indiana CTSI – Purdue Retreat MONDAY, April 21, 2014
ACCELERATING CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH Objectives Review how CTSI facilitates core use today Propose how “Supercores” can enhance research at CTSI member institutions Discuss challenges
ACCELERATING CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH Access Technology Program ATP Infrastructure HUB/Help Desk Core Pilot Grants Investigation Agents Program Facilitation Sample Storage Facility Clinical Translational Lab Quality Core Oversight KSOB Business Management ATP Quality Program Cores Management
ACCELERATING CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH ATP and Cores Be a resource for investigators requiring core services –Help Desk and Liaisons –HUB Improve quality of core services
ACCELERATING CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH ATP People ATP Ken Cornetta Lilith Reeves Jenna York Purdue Tommy Sors ND Melanie DeFord IUSM Jeanette McClintick IUSM Todd Skaar IUB Yvonne Lai
ACCELERATING CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH 46 CTSI Approved Cores –Initial Review –Annual reassessment Establish Policies User satisfaction Oversight committee Approved prices by the University
ACCELERATING CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH Supercore Concept Investigators identifies Need Need assessed: Equipment Expertise Turnaround Purdue Notre Dame IUB IUSM
ACCELERATING CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH Supercore Advantages Core –Provide more consistency of activity/ ? More activity –Collaboration / sharing of knowledge –Access to new technologies Investigator –Access to different technologies –More timely results Institution –Resource allocation savings –Integration with other cores –Negotiating vendor costs
ACCELERATING CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH Challenges A21 Circular Regulation applies to billing for core services on federally funded grants Requirement related to accepting indirects on grant Charge must not exceed true cost of delivering service
ACCELERATING CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH A21 Challenge to Cores Don’t meet quota you run at a loss Exceed quota have to decrease prices No mark-up = no reserves No funds for development No funds to replace equipment Cores can’t survive on this model
ACCELERATING CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH Maintaining Core in the Black Institutional support –Provide base funding to allow development –Replace equipment and handle unexpected costs –Allow to subsidize costs so price to investigator may be less than actual cost of service Find non-federal sources of support –Commercial work
ACCELERATING CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH CTSI Challenges to Supercores Prices differ among the 4 campuses for similar services Difference reflects level of institutional support for a core Inter-institutional prices need to balance investment by home institution and ease of use
ACCELERATING CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH Next-Gen Sequencing Cores in the CTSI IUSM –SOLID 5500xl; Ion Torrent, Ion PGM Notre Dame –Illumina MiSeq IUB –Illumina MiSeq Purdue –Illumina HiSeq2500
ACCELERATING CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH Sequencing Questionnaire WorkloadToo variable, not enough Too variable Too busy * Not enough BioinformaticsOutside core50:50 core and outside Both inside and outside core Outside core Sample prepCore Core and investigators Core Outsource of samples 0% 65%0%
ACCELERATING CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH Sequencing Questionnaire Users Own University75%80%85%84% Other CTSI25%10% 1.5% Other Academic0% 10%5%14% Experience of Users Very10%20%50%25% Moderate15%30%25%45% Inexperienced75%50%25%30%
ACCELERATING CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH Today’s Workshop Hearing from the research community Broader discussion of –Advantages –Challenges Expand on the discussion