To Scan or Not To Scan: That is the Question! Where are you on the Scale of 0 to 10? 010 I see the value, but I’ll just do it in-house OK, I’ll outsource, but to whom? The one who does it easier, cheaper, faster, safer than everyone else I don’t want to do it, it’s a waste of time & money
Preserve / Restore Quality –The quality of scanned images never deteriorate –Use Quality enhancement techniques to restore quality Enhance Productivity & Reduce Overhead –Open up SPACE! –Improve data accessibility and streamline information retrieval –Upload to your Practice Management Database Improve Data Safety and Information Security –Never lose any patient information again –Protect patients’ information using data encryption techniques STILL NOT CONVINCED? Talk to doctors who have done it. Call (323) for a reference!
I see the value, but I’ll just do it in-house Interruption to Routine Processes –Files scanning can be very time consuming, if not done right –A good size room in your office must be dedicated to the task –Supervision overhead will be significant for the office manager and the doctor Endangering Information Safety & Security –Files could be lost, mistakenly shredded, or misplaced –Hiring a new employee for the task? Is it safe/secure? Quality could be compromised for speed –It could take YEARS to scan patient charts file by file –Image quality could be very bad if the wrong settings are used TALK TO DOCTORS WHO STARTED IN HOUSE! Call (323) for a reference!
OK, I’ll outsource, but to whom? KNOW your criteria –KNOW your BUDGET and let the vendors know it. If you can not trust them with this figure, should not do business with them –KNOW your schedule and make sure the vendor is not too busy to meet your schedule –UNDERSTAND your software criteria to choose the right file format Select the RIGHT vendor! –Give the RIGHT information –Ask the RIGHT questions – Cost is NEVER accurate over the phone or , you are not buying a PRODUCT, you are getting a SERVICE! Referrals! Referrals! Referrals –Referrals are always best, like in your own business! CALL US AT (323) For a FREE Questionnaire for selecting your vendor.
Easier, cheaper, faster, and safer than everyone else Streamlined processes –Scanning experts like Tajann implement automated batch processes for merging, indexing, book marking, etc. –Each project is unique and one shoe does not fit all. The vendor should have the capability, and willingness, to develop specific automation processes for specific clients Free Consultation –Vendors should be upfront, honest, and willing to give you free consultation on your best option. This is not your area of expertise, dentistry is. If you do not get the right advice, you WILL make a mistake Long Term Association –A job completed successfully is the start of a new association, not the end of it! AND THAT’S WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT! Call us at (323) for a quote AFTER talking to others
A Message from Tajann!