Module 5
Let’s play a game
Read a book
watch TV
play football
Lingling is skipping.
play hide-and-seek hide seek
hide-and-seek 藏找
hide - hiding Daming is hiding.
seek - seeking Sam is seeking.
Those boys are playing Hide-and-seek. 那些男孩子正在玩捉迷藏。
chant : Skipping,skipping,Lingling is skipping. Hiding,hiding,Daming is hiding. Seeking,seeking,Sam is seeking. Clapping,clapping,girls are clapping.
chant : One,two,three,four. I am opening the door. Five, six,seven,eight. Hurry up! Don’t be late
clapping game
play clapping games
Those girls are playing clapping games. 那些女孩子正在玩拍手游戏。
sad happy
Hurry up!
Fangfang,are you sad ? Yes,no one is playing with me.
1.What’s Lingling doing ? Lingling is skipping. 2.What are Daming and Sam doing ? Daming and Sam are playing hide-and-seek. 3.What are those girls doing? Those girls are playing clpping games.